Executive- Applies to agency heads, their senior management team and first-line direct-report staff. Individuals in these jobs are responsible for the direction of the agency, division or region and developing and implementing policies and procedures.

Senior- Involves the performance of advanced management functions, supervising subordinate managers and strategic planning on a divisional or regional level.

Specialized - Requires unique training in focused skill areas such as medical, legal, or engineering. Qualifications may vary based on occupational family.


Meet our people – a team of professionals who have a passion and drive to make a difference in our communities, lead change to shape a better future, drive innovative ideas, inspire and develop others, and deliver customer focused and value driven results.

Police Officer Toxicology
Firearms Specialist Special Agent
Environment Engineer RN Program Specialist

Work that matters Work that matters Each member of Team Georgia plays a vital role that leads to our success in delivering results for Georgians. If you have the skills, the commitment and desire to make a difference by delivering services that matter most to Georgians, then we invite you to explore career opportunities available with the state of Georgia.
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