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Provost Marshal


Twentynine Palms, California
Provost Marshal
The Provost Marshal's Office mission is to conduct law enforcement operations, criminal and traffic investigations and provide police community relations in order to provide a safe secure environment aboard the Combat Center by facilitating good order and discipline for its
commanding officers.
Police Chief,  - Maj. Kim Keefer
The Police Chief serves as the installation commander's senior law enforcement representative and as a special staff officer responsible for the daily operations and functional management of the PMO.

Deputy Police Chief  - Maj. Scott Pryor
Serves as the Assistant to The Police Chief and handles all civilian matters for the Provost Marshals Office.

Provost Sergeant - MGySgt. Reginal Jones
The Provost Sergeant serves as the senior enlisted staff advisor to the Provost Marshal and handles all enlisted matters for the Provost Marshals Office.
General Information
  1. The legal age to consume alcohol in the state of California is 21.
  2. The standard to be considered legally drunk in the state of California is a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of .08 or higher. The standard used by DOD and this installation (CCO 1630.8B) is a BAC of .05% to .08% for Driving While Impaired (DWI) and .08 or higher for Driving Under The Influence (DUI). It should also be noted that persons (under 21 years of age) operating a motor vehicle with a BAC of anything other than .01 are considered driving under the influence.
  3. It is illegal to drive with your parking lights on (CVC 24800).
  4. Window tint is illegal on passenger and drivers side windows in all circumstances (CVC 26708.5A).
  5. Crime Prevention note: larcenies can be curtailed if the people would take two simple and inexpensive steps:
    1. Drill holes into the sliding window frames and guides. A pin then could be utilized to secure the window in place, spoiling a thief's attempts to lift a window out of its slide.
    2. Install sliding locks on the occupants' side of the connecting heads. When the occupants leave their rooms the sliding lock can be engaged to secure the head door. The present head doorknob locks and the sliding window locks are easily bypassed. Additionally, BEQ occupants should secure their valuables inside a wall locker, footlocker, secretary, etc., when they leave their rooms.
  6. DUI safety briefs are available upon request. Contact our Accident Investigations Section (ext. 5455) for further information.
  7. Canine Bomb and Drug search teams are available upon request. Contact PMO's Military Working Dog section (ext. 830-6501) for additional information.
  8. Weapons introduced aboard the Combat Center must be registered with the Vehicle Registration Office (ext. 5449) located at building 901 (ext. 830-7700).
  9. The Condor and Ocotillo gates are open daily from 0530 - 2300.
  10. In accordance with the California Clean Air Act all vehicles issued a base decal must present a California Smog Certificate, along with a valid military identification card, state registration, and proof of insurance. For further information contact Vehicle Registration at extension 5449.
  11. There is a 911 system on base. If you have an emergency, you can call the fire department who can dispatch paramedics, Military Police, and notify the hospital, if needed.
  12. If by chance you see or hear of illegal activity taking place, but for whatever reason wish to remain unknown, you can call the Anonymous Hotline at 830-5644 and leave your information. If you do leave a message, please leave as much information as possible, with as many details as possible.
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To Contact the PMO Desk Sergeant phone:
COM (760) 830-6800, DSN 230-6800