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Equal Opportunity Advisor

Marine Corps Installations East

Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune
African American / Black History Month

In observance of African American/Black History Month, celebrated each year during the month of February, the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) proudly announces the availability of original artwork (please see accompanying image to the right).

“In thinking about this year’s theme of ‘At the Crossroads of Freedom and Equality: The Emancipation Proclamation and the March on Washington’ I combined a photo from the march, President Abraham Lincoln's words of the Emancipation Proclamation and several words from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s "I Have a Dream" speech together to create the image. Incorporating the crossroads sign into the actual theme text helped me visualize the theme,” said Mr. Peter Hemmer, DEOMI Illustrator.

Please note that you may take the hi-resolution poster image file accompanying the below news release to your preferred printing facility for display in your organization or use during your special observance programs. All DEOMI special observance poster images are high-resolution and may be used to print posters up to 30 X 40 inches. DEOMI does not have the capability to print posters and mail them out to customers upon request. All DEOMI observance month poster files are in the public domain unless otherwise indicated.

Click here to read the full news release.

Click here to download a high resolution graphic.

To incorporate equal opportunity (EO) into the Marine Corps’ ethos and leadership philosophy.



The Marine Corps is built on the trust and teamwork shared between individual Marines and their leaders. Inherent in this trust is the understanding that fair, scrupulous, and unbiased treatment is the Marine Corps leadership standard. In keeping with this leadership philosophy, equal opportunity will be applied in every command policy, action, and program.

The responsibility for accomplishing equal opportunity is not dependent on authority or solely the function of any special staff officer. Rather, all Marines are expected to promote camaraderie among individuals, regardless of age, color, gender, race, religion, or national origin, by setting an example of unprejudiced actions and identifying unfair practices to higher authority via the chain of command.



Unlawful discriminatory practices within the Marine Corps are counterproductive and unacceptable. Discrimination undermines morale, reduces combat readiness, and prevents maximum utilization and development of the Marine Corps’ most vital asset, its “people”.


What Does Your EOA Have To Offer?

• DOD Certified Mediator

• Provide guidance, advice, or assistance in all EO matters

• Provide briefings or training on EO issues for assigned and tenant commands

• Assist EORs with EO program information on complaint reporting and other reporting requirements

• Identify trends and areas of concern, and develop methods for improving the EO climate