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Universal Licensing System

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ULS Filing Purposes

The ULS Online Filing application provides a variety of purposes from which to choose when creating, modifying, and updating your license. These capabilities include:

After successful submission of your ULS application you will receive a ten-digit file number. Starting the next business day you can use this file number to check the status of your application in the Application Search section of ULS. You will also be prompted for payment if applicable after completing your ULS application. For fee information, refer to the Wireless Fee Filing Guide.

Major Applications
Amendment Select Amendment as the purpose for amending a previously filed, currently pending application. After an application is granted, you must file a Modification application to change license data.

Note: If you wish to revise an application for a new auctionable service within its filing window or any other application on the same day it was filed, you can do so without filing a separate Amendment application. In such instances, however, you must fully resubmit your application. An amended application is not officially submitted until the system redisplays the confirmation message containing the application file number. If you do not fully submit your application, it will not be processed by the FCC and will be purged from the system after 30 days.
  1. Log into the Universal Licensing System. Refer to Logging into Universal Licensing System for instructions.

  2. If you have existing incomplete applications, completed applications filed on the same day, or new applications in the auctionable services still within the filing window, an intermediate screen appears containing a list of these applications. A Select New Filing button is also on this screen.

    If the file number of the application you wish to amend appears on this list, click the file number of that application. Proceed to Step 5.

    Otherwise, click the Select New Filing button.

  3. A screen appears requesting you to select the purpose of your application.

    Click the down arrow at the end of the Purpose of Application field to access a menu of application purposes. Select Amendment from the menu then click the Continue button.

  4. A screen appears requesting you to select the file number of the application you wish to amend.

    Click the down arrow at the end of the File Number field to access a menu of file numbers associated with your TIN. Select the desired file number then click the Continue button.

  5. The application screen appears pre-filled with the current application data. Modify the fields you wish to change according to the filing instructions for the original Application Purpose.

IMPORTANT: You must resubmit an amended application. An amended application is officially submitted when the system redisplays the confirmation message containing the application file number.
Assignment of Authorization Select Assignment of Authorization as the purpose for applying for approval of assignment of authorization for Public Mobile Services, Personal Communications Services, General Wireless Communications Services, Private Land Mobile Radio Services, Broadcast Auxiliary Services, Fixed Microwave Services, Maritime Services (excluding ships), and Aviation Services (excluding aircraft).
Data Correction Data Correction is an application purpose used exclusively by internal FCC processors to make minor correction to data previously entered on a wireless application. This code cannot be selected by the public. Once a data correction has been made, the application remains in pending status 2 until it is processed by FCC licensing staff.
DE Annual Report Select File Designated Entity Annual Report as the purpose when filing an annual report pursuant to section 1.2110(n) of the FCC's rules related to eligibility for designated entity benefits.
DE Reportable Event Select File Designated Entity Reportable Event as the purpose when requesting prior approval pursuant to section 1.2214 of the FCC's rules for any reportable eligibility event.
Modification To request a change in the conditions of any data (administrative or technical) for a granted license, you must file a Modification application. This purpose is also used for Vanity Call Sign applications.
Modification of a Lease A request for minor modification to certain non-technical lease data for site-based leases or a request for minor modifications to certain non-technical lease data and/or a request to add or modify locations within a geographical area for market-based leases.
New Use this purpose to apply for a new license.
New Lease A request to lease spectrum from all or part of a wireless license or licenses.
Renewal/Modification To renew an existing authorization, Special Temporary Authorization (STA), or developmental authorization, and request a change in the conditions of that authorization, you must file a Renewal/Modification application.
Request for Extension of Time Select Request for Extension of Time as the purpose for requesting additional time to either satisfy buildout/coverage or construction requirements, or to consummate an assignment of authorization or transfer of control.
Spectrum Leasing This purpose code was formerly used by Form 603-T and has been replaced by the following six purpose codes in ULS: New Lease (LN), Transfer of Control of a Lessee (LT), Extend Term of a Lease (LE), Cancel a Lease (LC), Update of a Lease (LU), Modification of a Lease (LM).
Transfer of Control Select Transfer of Control as the purpose when the transfer of controlling interest in the ownership of a licensee entity to another party or parties occurs. A Transfer of Control involves a transfer of controlling interest in ownership but generally does not involve the changing of the Licensee name. Refer to the applicable FCC Rules for definitions of controlling interest and ownership.
Transfer of Control of a Lessee A request to transfer the lessee's control of specific spectrum leases.

Simple Applications
Administrative Update Select Administrative Update as the purpose for making minor modifications to existing license information (e.g., licensee name, address, etc.) for one or more licenses in the Personal (e.g., Aircraft), Auctionable, or Site-Based Services. You can update a single license or multiple licenses.

What You Can Update

If you are updating a single license, you can modify the following information:

  • Personal Services: Licensee information
  • Auctionable Services: Licensee and Contact information
  • Site Based Services: Licensee information, Contact information, and Control Points
You can update multiple licenses, comprised of any combination of services. To do this, select the licenses to be updated, specifying one of those licenses to serve as the template for updating the entire group. Whatever changes you make to the template license are applied to all selected licenses. If you are updating multiple licenses, you can modify the following information:
  • Personal Services: Licensee information
  • Auctionable Services: Licensee and Contact information
  • Site Based Services: Licensee and Contact information
Administrative Update of a Lease A request to change lessee information or lessee contact information on a lease or leases.
Cancel a Lease A request to cancel the lease and make it inactive. Applicants may also request a cancellation and indicate that the lease never commenced.
Cancellation Select Cancellation as the purpose for canceling an existing license. You may cancel one license or multiple licenses in a single cancellation request.
Duplicate License Select Duplicate License as the purpose for requesting a duplicate copy of your current license. You may request duplicate copies of one license or multiple licenses in a single duplicate license request.
Extend Term of a Lease A request to revise the expiration date of the lease and extend its duration. Short term leases may not exceed a total duration of 365 days. No leases may exceed the expiration date of the call sign from which spectrum is leased.
Register Link Select Register Link when filing to register a new link, or delete or modify an existing registered link, to an existing nationwide license for Millimeter Wave 70/80/90 GHz (MM).
Renewal Only Select Renewal Only as the purpose for applying for renewal of current license without modifying any of the existing license information (e.g., licensee name, address, etc.).
Required Notification Select Required Notification as the purpose for notifying the FCC that, within the required time period, either buildout/coverage or construction requirements have been satisfied, an assignment of authorization or transfer of control has been consummated, or to request a regular authorization for paging facilities currently operating under developmental authority.
Withdrawal of Application Select Withdrawal of Application as the purpose for withdrawing a currently pending application. You may withdraw one or multiple applications in a single withdrawal filing.

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