Maternal and Child Health Research Program

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Grantee Publication Highlight
Dr. Parish and colleagues from Brandeis University. Racial and ethnic disparities in quality of health care among children with autism and other developmental disabilities.

Dr. Emily Feinberg

Grantee Publication Highlight
Dr. Min-Woong Sohn from Northwestern University. Effects of Welfare and Maternal Work on Recommended Preventive Care Utilization among Low-Income Children.

Portrait of Dr. Mann

Grantee Publication Highlight
Dr. Mann and colleagues from University of South Carolina. Children Born to Diabetic Mothers May be More Likely to Have Intellectual Disability.

Newly Funded Projects

In April 2012, the MCHB Research Program awarded 8 new research grants: 5 new multi-year extramural research grants and 3 one-year projects based on secondary data analysis.

P3RC: Parent-Provider Partnerships for Referral Communication in the Medical Home
University of Colorado Denver - 2/1/2012

A Health Care Transition Randomized Trial for Minority Youth with Special Health Care Needs
Children's Research Institute - 2/1/2012

Birth to Three: A Pragmatic clinical trial for child maltreatment prevention
Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University - 2/1/2012

Co-Management of Complex Neonates: Supporting the Medical Home
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences - 2/1/2012

Meeting the Needs of Pregnant Women with PTSD in Healthy Start
University of Massachusetts Medical School - 2/1/2012

View All 8 New MCH Research Grants >>