
Training the next generation of scientists in the art of interdisciplinary research is a critical focus of the Institute for Genomics and Systems Biology (IGSB) at the University of Chicago. The main goal of IGSB education programs is to foster scientific discovery in which biological questions are formulated and addressed in the context of complex systems. As a result, cutting-edge investigative skills emphasizing genome analysis, molecular systems modeling, and simulation are developed for professional applications. IGSB produces a variety of graduate, post-doctoral, and faculty training programs.

IGSB education programs are produced in partnership with the Chicago Center for Systems Biology (CCSB). They include initiatives for K-12 students, K-12 teachers, undergraduate students, graduate students, post-docs, faculty, and the public. CCSB is composed of investigators, students and staff working at the University of Chicago and Northwestern University. It is one of fourteen National Centers funded by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). IGSB graduate training is produced in alliance with the University of Chicago’s Committee on Genetics, Genomics & Systems Biology (GGSB) and all the molecular biosciences cluster Ph.D. programs.  IGSB also works in collaboration with investigators, students and staff in the Conte Center for Computational Neuropsychiatric Genomics.

Announcements & Events

2013 Systems Biology Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

REU application

Starts June 10, 2013
Download PDF

2013 Conte Center Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

Starts June 17, 2013
Download PDF


Barry Aprison
Questions regarding the Instituteʼs education and outreach programs should be addressed to:

Barry Aprison, Ph.D.
Senior Lecturer, BSCD
Education & Outreach Director, IGSB, CCSB, GGSB
Knapp Center for Biomedical Discovery
Room 10114
The University of Chicago
900 E. 57th Street
Chicago, Illinois 60637

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773-834-2787 w