JPL Web Editors for a Day

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JPL Student Editors

On Thursday, Apr, 28, 2011, as part of Take Your Child to Work Day, JPLers and their children (in grades 3 through 12) visited JPL’s Library so students could pick their favorite space images, write their own creative captions and learn how to build a web page. The students’ captions are their own creative expressions, not ones based on scientific fact. Each image includes a link to the scientifically accurate image caption.

Solar flare
The sun is a very active place. The circular feature shooting out from the sun is an eruption. The little picture of Earth has been placed next to this eruption to show how big these eruptions are. › Learn more about this image

Dark Magic Ring of Fire
By Garrett — This is a solar flare. It is a ring of fire in space.

By Ellie – AMG a SUN FLARE! So beautiful! So graceful! So fiery! Surely all the other planets are all JEALOUS!!!

‘Sun Turns to Ring of Fire’
By Craig – I believe that in this picture the sun is trying to reach the Earth.

The Sun’s Story
By Alexander — This is a giant fireplace and the giant burst of fire is an explosion. It was caused when a fleet of NASA/JPL rockets flew into it. Thankfully, the superb heat shields kept the ships together. They were able to collect millions of samples and return home safely.

The Sun’s Fiery Ring
By Lisa — The sun shoots out fire and forms a ring. This is caused by an eruption. Eruptions are HUGE and are as big as Earth. Spacecraft instruments take pictures of these for scientists to study.

The Rising Sun
By Corbin — I like this planet because it looks like it is made of fire and it is red.

No Water on Earth
By Victoria — What if Earth was really close to the Sun? There would be no water or anything. Earth would be a small planet with nothing on it. I know! It would be a bald planet! The first bald planet would be cool! Wait, if it’s bald, won’t that make it have no hair? Planets don’t have hair! Or do they? I think I lost it. I’m going. Bye!

Eagle Nebula
This is a famous picture taken by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope of the Eagle nebula. A nebula is an interstellar cloud of gas and dust. Stars often form in nebulae. › Learn more about this image

The Eagle Nebula
By Sarah and Sonia – A birthplace of stars, in space from afar,
A shining newness, the Eagle nebulous.
The cloud gathers with gas, a dusty mass;
The matter swirls, forming complex whirls.
Expanding, drawing back, many things attract,
Coming in formation, giving us information.
The Eagle Nebula.

Eagle Nebula
By Jesse — I like the gas and how it formed stars. I like the outline of the gas, how it’s blue, yellow, and a little bit green. The pink star is really shiny. Part of it looks like a dog. But nothing else looks like a shape. Maybe they’re formed by clouds and planets. Maybe we could explore nebulae one day.

Saturn and its magnificent rings are on display. The planet is made mostly of hydrogen and helium gas. Super-fast winds combine with heat rising from Saturn’s interior to create the yellow and gold bands seen in the atmosphere.› Learn more about this image

Saturn and Its Beautiful Rings
By Rubie – I like Saturn because I like the rings and colors.

View of Mars from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover
NASA’s Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity captured this view of “Santa Maria” crater on its 2,454th Martian day, or sol (Dec. 19, 2010).› Learn more about this image

Hole 19
By Drake — “JPL, I think I’ve made an eagle.”

The Unicorn's Rose
This is an infrared image of the Rosette nebula, located inside the constellation Monoceros, also called the Unicorn.› Learn more about this image

The Colorful Gas
By Jason — This picture makes me think of gas and I like it because it is so colorful. Behind this space gas I can see stars that make it look cool too.

3d Sun
If you’ve got 3D glasses, go get them! This is a 3D image of the sun that helps scientists study how energy moves from the sun to Earth.› Learn more about this image

The Red 3D Sun
By Tony — The sun is bright. It looks like a big ball of lava. It has a shiny ball outline.

Spectacular Sun
By Madi — I chose this picture because the glow reminds me of the brightness in our universe. Our sun is a very spectacular planet to research. You can learn many things from just reading a book about the planet. One thing you can learn is that the sun gives the Earth warmth, and gives us light during the day!!!!! That is why the sun is so spectacular.

Andromeda Galaxy
The Andromeda galaxy is our Milky Way galaxy’s nearest large neighbor. It is located about 2.5 million light-years away and holds up to an estimated trillion stars.› Learn more about this image

The Andromeda Galaxy
By Blake — The Andromeda galaxy is Earth’s closest and nearest galaxy. The image above was taken by the European Space Agency and XMM- Newton telescope. NASA is part of the 2 missions. The orange color represents the new stars in the galaxy while the blue color represents the older stars in our neighbor galaxy. The stars don’t actually look like this in the galaxy but they show it in infrared so you can tell the difference. Although the abstract colors make you look in more and bring the color out, if you were to look up at the Andromeda galaxy, it would look just as beautiful.

Hot and Cold Andromeda
By Evan — The Andromeda galaxy looks like millions of stars grouped together to form a huge fiery oval. I wonder if there are other people like us taking pictures of our galaxy and wondering what is there?

By Niko — A big explosion in the universe!

Neptune is a type of planet known as a gas giant. In our solar system, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are also gas giants.› Learn more about this image

Distant Neptune
By Heidy — Neptune is a type of planet known as a gas giant in our solar system. Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are also gas giants. These planets are about 4 to 12 times greater in diameter than Earth and have no solid surfaces. They possess massive atmospheres that contain substantial amounts of hydrogen and helium with traces of other gases. Neptune looks blue because of methane in the atmosphere. Winds on the planet can be nine times stronger than on Earth. Voyager 2 is the only spacecraft to have studied Neptune up close.

The Farthest Planet
By Tatiana — Neptune is named after the Roman god of the sea. Neptune has a large moon called Triton. It also has a storm called the Great Dark Spot. The only spacecraft to visit Neptune was Voyager 2 in 1989.

Heart-shaped feature on Mars
This picture of a heart-shaped feature in Arabia Terra on Mars was taken on May 23, 2010, by the Context Camera on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft.› Learn more about this image

Mars Has Holidays
By Emilie — How Sweet, Mars has delivered a Valentine to the Earthlings! I guess those Martians are pretty dang interested in Earth.

Ancient lava flow on Mars
The circular feature in this image shows a graben, which is a trough that forms when the ground drops between two parallel faults. This graben cuts into an area where lava once flowed on Mars. › Learn more about this image

Ancient Lava Flow on Mars
By Rachel – I got my eye on you!

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Its diameter is eleven times that of Earth.› Learn more about this image

Giant Easter Egg
By Jordan — I like the picture of planet Jupiter because it looks like a big Easter egg. Planet Jupiter is my favorite planet because it is colorful.

Happy-face-shaped feature on Mars
This picture of a crater resembling a “happy face” was taken in January 2008, by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter’s Context Camera.› Learn more about this image

Smile on My Face
By Tyler – When I first saw this picture it immediately put a smile on my face! You are always hearing about cool mountains and awesome landscapes formed on distant planets, but not everyday do you hear about a smiley face with a tongue sticking out of its mouth, formed without the touch of the human hand.

Happy Face on Mars
By Heidi — I think it is a happy face that came from rocks falling down. It made a happy face on Mars.

A Happy Face on Mars?
By Jordan — I thought Disneyland was the happiest place on Earth, not Mars.

Montage of Earth and Mars
How does Earth compare to Mars, its neighbor in the solar system? This image shows the sizes of the two planets. Earth has a diameter of 7,926 miles. The diameter of Mars is 4,222 miles.› Learn more about this image

Earth and Mars
By Josh – I always thought that Mars and Earth were the same size but Mars is smaller.

This is how Earth looks from space. You can see most of the Arctic, North America, Central America and part of South America.› Learn more about this image

Earth: Our Home
By Richard — This is a picture of Earth, where we all live. The moon orbits it.

The Blue Marble
By Monai — Earth, the blue marble, is a wonderful planet with water, plants, and animals. It is one of the inner planets of our solar system along with Mercury, Venus, and Mars. Water covers much of the earth and 97% of the water is salt water.

Crater on Mars
Holden Crater, seen above, and the surrounding area contain two potential sites where the next Mars rover could study ancient water-flow deposits on the Red Planet. › Learn more about this image

Rainbow Crater
By Joelle — This colorful crater almost looks like a rainbow.

Whirlpool Galaxy
The Whirlpool galaxy is a famous spiral galaxy. (The Milky Way galaxy, home to our sun, is also a spiral galaxy.) › Learn more about this image

Vortex in Space
By Ezekiel – It’s blue, swirly and has lot of stars and dust. It is very huge. It might have planets. It’s very far away.

Sparkly Swirl
By Lara — I chose this picture because of the colors, the swirl, and sparkles. I also liked how it got its name, the Whirlpool.

Asteroid Lutetia
Asteroid Lutetia is one of the largest asteroids in the solar system. It is has many craters and a giant bowl-shaped depression. › Learn more about this image

By Abby — This asteroid reminds me of a three-finned flying fish! The back tail fin swims him through the whole universe, looking for an undiscovered planet. The fish finally finds a fresh water planet to call home.

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