AW2 Family Continues to Serve Country and Wounded

By Emily Oehler, WTC Stratcom
Every time I talk with Gina Hill on the phone, I feel better. When I look at pictures of her kids, I smile. When I hear about her wounded husband’s progress, I am thankful. When I hear that they are receiving a new home in a place that is less disruptive for Allen’s PTSD, I am comforted. When I learned that Gina started a non-profit to help build stronger community connections between emergency responders, servicemembers, and local support programs, I am amazed. Knowing this combat-wounded Family makes we want to be a better person and do more!

AW2 spouse Gina Hill starts non-profit, Silent Siren, to build support community for Soldiers, Veterans, and Families facing PTSD. Photo Courtesy of Mike Parker

Allen Hill was serving in Iraq in 2007 when his truck was hit by an improvised explosive device (IED).  At the 2010 AW2 Symposium press conference, Gina said, “While the majority of Allen’s physical, or visible, wounds have healed, our Family still struggles daily with the psychological wounds. Often times, these are called the invisible wounds, but I have a hard time calling them that, for they are very visible to anyone who spends any amount of time with him.”

Like most Army Families, the Hills never give up.

The Hills worked at the AW2 Symposium (link) to help the Army identify areas of improvement for warrior care—and provide recommendations. Gina Hill presented to Congress  for Mental Illness Awareness Month to increase awareness of the impact of PTSD on the entire Family. And now, they are launching Silent Siren, already a member of the Community Support Network.

The mission of Silent Siren is to build strong community collaborations that enhance and expand existing community crisis intervention/supports for military service individuals and their Families. They believe that the following actions and approaches will help achieve this mission:

• Empower persons supporting an individual with PTSD to utilize local emergency support services
• Educate emergency support personnel and military Families and caregivers about PTSD and the fundamental approaches to responding to PTSD crisis situations.
• Engage local community counseling & support resources that can be readily available to navigate Family members and caregivers through crisis situations.

Silent Siren consists of 3 core elements:

1. Establishment of a PTSD registry for community members with PTSD and market the registry to each participating community.
2. Utilization of Silent Siren to help train emergency services personnel on effective emergency response approaches when responding to PTSD crisis intervention calls.
3. Implement, with the assistance of Silent Siren, a Family/caregiver support system. This system should include professional mental health resources available to respond alongside and emergency responder to help a Family navigate the complexities of a mental health/PTSD crisis situation.

You can get to know the Hill Family a bit tonight, Friday, November 4, on Extreme Home Makeover. Knowing them will show you firsthand how dynamic our Soldiers, Veterans, and Families are—to heed the call to serve in a time of war, and continue to give back once wounded.

Army Ten-Miler– Race Day

BG Darryl Williams, Commander, Warrior Transition Command, poses with the runners and volunteers from the WTC Army Ten-Miler team and the Community Based Warrior Transition Unit-Illinois team.

By LTC Jeanette Griffin, WTC Stratcom
The 27th Army Ten-Miler (ATM) race took place on October 9.  More than 30,000 registered runners, including the infamous WTC Army Ten-Miler Team, competed in one of the largest 10 mile races in the world.

I was fortunate to be a part of the first ever Warrior Transition Command (WTC) ATM team and first ever WTC HOOAH Tent. Everyone was excited to see WTC represented at the ATM’s HOOAH zone and BG Darryl Williams, Assistant Surgeon General for Warrior Care and Transition and WTC Commander, showed his support to everyone participating, giving special recognition to the WTUs, Community Based Warrior Transition Units (CBWTUs), and the Missing Parts in Action Team.

The WTC team consisted of 20 military and civilians who came together to participate as a team, as well as meet individual goals during this great race. The race began on Route 110 and finished in the Pentagon North Parking Lot. The landmarks along the course were spectacular—the Lincoln Memorial, Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial, Washington Monument, and the Capitol Building.

What a perfect day for a race—the weather was absolutely gorgeous. The Missing Parts in Action team members and other wounded warrior athletes truly inspired us to continue until we reached our goal of reaching the finish line. The excitement and camaraderie of the runners, spectators, and volunteers was highly motivating throughout the race— the months of hard work and sweat finally paid off.

LTG Jack C. Stultz, Chief, Army Reserve and BG Darryl Williams exchanged greetings and during the Army Ten-Miler.

Everyone commented that the HOOAH tent was decorated beautifully, and I have to agree. There were pictures of Soldiers, Veterans, and Families covering the inside of the tent and the food was amazing! Several volunteers and runners made their “World Famous Chili” and one volunteer brought a particularly delicious dish of meatballs. The banner stretching above the tent showcased some of our Warrior Games athletes. Not only was the tent nicely decorated, but Family members, volunteers, and the WTC Strategic Communications Division were in full swing. Both the WTC runners and volunteers wore distinctive black WTC team shirts.  The volunteers also passed out information about our organization and  our achievements helping wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, and Families.

While we were lucky to have a tent in the HOOAH Tent Zone this year, the greatest reward was being able to share it with Community Based Warrior Transition Unit Illinois (CBWTU-IL).  This is an extremely diligent team of professional supporters of the wounded warrior mission.  Thanks, CBWTU-IL, for your hard work and dedication to the cause.  WTC encompasses the Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) and partners with WTUs and CBWTUs, so having an opportunity to gather with CBWTU-IL was remarkable.

According to LTC Paul Graham, CBWTU-IL, sharing a HOOAH tent with WTC allowed race participants to gather for photos before the race and share their race day stories afterwards over a bite to eat and drink. He also said “it was wonderful, because last year they were unable to come together like this. It was definitely a great time shared by everyone.”

We also had the opportunity to gather with the runners from the Missing Parts in Action Team— another amazing group of warriors running with a cause.

The HOOAH tent seemed to fill quickly with runners, supporters, and others wanting to share the excitement and gain knowledge of WTC. We remained very busy until the very end. Everyone was taking pictures and mingling. Among the visitors, were people from the Fort Sam Houston WTU, Community Based Warrior Transition Unit Massachusetts (CBWTU-MA), West Point WTU, and Alpha Co., WTU Fort Irwin, California.

WTC works hard to make sure everyone knows we are focused on care and support for all wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers and Veterans in the Active, Guard, and  Reserve. We reiterated this mission with our visit to the Army Reserve HOOAH Tent where BG Williams had the opportunity to exchange greetings with LTG Jack C. Stultz, Chief, Army Reserve. To our surprise, our tent was also visited by wrestlers from the Army’s World Class Athlete Program who were working in the Army Reserve tent.

Retired SGT Robbie Gaupp, an injured Veteran and former National Guardsman, hung out at our tent. He spent his time talking about being in the National Guard and his wonderful experience during the 2011 Warrior Games. I applaud him for his hard work and hope to see him compete in the 2012 games.

Another important piece of the WTC HOOAH tent was the live broadcast by Charlie “Coach” Hatcher. Coach Hatcher is the host and executive producer of Sports Inside and Out, which broadcasted internationally in conjunction with the American Forces Network.

During his time at our tent, he was joined by NBA Philadelphia 76ers legend Walli Jones who was on hand with BG Williams, to speak to ATM wounded warriors that finished the race.

I would say the WTC team and the HOOAH tent were a major success. Congratulations to all of the ATM participants, you did a great job. I also want to say thank you to all of the volunteers and Families who came out to help and we look forward to your participation next year.


AW2 Veteran’s Rehabilitation Is Definitely “On Par”

By Chris Lewandowski, AW2 Advocate

To say it has been a busy couple of weeks for AW2 Veteran retired CPL Chad Pfeifer, would be an understatement. One week after winning the 2011 National Amputee Golf Championship, Pfeifer made his way to Irving, Texas, where he won the Inaugural Bush Center Warrior Open. The Warrior Open was sponsored by the George W. Bush Presidential Center and is part of the center’s Military Service Initiative, a program designed to showcase the importance of sports in the rehabilitation of wounded, ill, and injured servicemembers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.

AW2 Veteran Chad Pfeifer received the Inaugural Bush Center Warrior Open championship trophy from former President George W. Bush.

Pfeifer competed against 20wounded warriors, ultimately winning the 36-hole event by nine strokes. Seven of the 20 wounded warriors participating were graduates of the Salute Military Golf Association’s program coached by PGA professional Jim Estes. After receiving the championship trophy from the former president, Pfeifer dedicated his win to “all of our brothers and sisters who paid the ultimate sacrifice.”

Pfeifer suffered an above the knee amputation of his left leg after the vehicle he was in rolled over a pressure-plate- activated improvised explosive device (IED) outside Baghdad, Iraq, in April 2007. After more than a year in recovery, Pfeifer took up golf as a form of physical therapy.  While attached to the Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) at Fort Sam Houston, Pfeifer was allowed to hit balls and golf for free. “I just fell in love with it,” says Pfeifer.

AW2 Veteran Chad Pfeifer wins the 2011 Inaugural Bush Center Warrior Open in Irving, TX.

Three years after his injury, he finished fourth in the 2010 National Amputee Golf Championship, and immediately set a new goal. “My goal was to win it,” said Pfeifer. However, winning the Warrior Open wasn’t as easy as he made it appear. “It was a little nerve-wracking with President Bush watching a lot of my tee shots,” Pfeifer said.

Stress Less Heal More Reduces Stress by Negotiating Bills for Wounded Warriors

By WTC Stratcom
Editor’s Note: Stress Less Heal More is a participant in the AW2 Community Support Network.

Stress Less Heal More (SLHM) was founded in 2009 in San Diego, CA, by Julie Kalb after going through cancer treatment. As a single mother on a limited income, she quickly realized that negotiating her bills would be the key to her financial survival. Now Julie and two assistants help others through their own medical billing challenges.

Since its inception, SLMH has been negotiating household expenses such as utilities, phone, cable, rent, credit card debt, car payments, and hospital bills for anyone with a life threatening health condition.

While SLHM initially focused on cancer, brain injury, Parkinson’s disease, and other serious health conditions, they are now offering their services to active military personnel and Veterans across the United States. Cases can easily be handled in person, by mail, phone, and email. At first while they are only staffed to handle the bill negotiation for five individuals at a time, eventually they are planning to increase the number Soldiers and Veterans they can help.

To get started, the wounded warrior or Veteran can contact SLHM at, and they will send a form that will enable them to negotiate bills on your behalf. For more information, visit

Do you know of a caring organization that wants to assist wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers, Veterans, and their Families? If so, please email me at the AW2 Community Support Network at the email address below. I welcome your recommendations and referrals. Send organization referrals to

Advocate This!

By Miguel A. Santos III, WTC/AW2 Training Officer

What is an advocate? By definition, an advocate is:
1) a person who  argues or pleads for or on behalf of  another
2) a person who supports or defends another
3) and most importantly a champion
As a verb to “advocate” is defined as recommend, support, propose, defend, promote, speak for, propose and champion.

The WTC-AW2 Justice League

The Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2) Advocates strive to assist Soldiers, Veterans, Families and caregivers overcome the visible, as well as the unforeseen, while supporting the AW2 population as a whole through the life-cycle process. In August, a combination of AW2 Advocates, Advocate Support Branch Subject Matter Experts, and Soldiers from across the United States gathered at the AW2 headquarters in Alexandria, VA. This effort, facilitated by Darin Callahan and Andrea Phillips, both members of the Warrior Transition Command G3|5|7 branch, examined all processes and tools an AW2 Advocate uses in the field.

Imagine a collection of super-heroes coming together each having specific knowledge, skill set, or ability.  We had a collection of Batmen, Supermen, Superwomen as well as a few Jokers which kept us honest by poking holes in theories.  I won’t sugar-coat this; it was not easy.  There were great clashes on conflicting ideas.

After a 5.8 earthquake that was initially perceived as some great breakthrough of logic and common sense never felt before in the DC area, and Hurricane Irene that shook things up and provided some interesting challenges, everyone refocused on the week-long task at hand.


With the current-state, and future-state maps stretched across 50 feet of wall-space like many Crime Scene Investigation (CSI) television shows you may watch, we examined processes and commonalities and identified non-value added steps for the way forward. These steps  will remove some bureaucracy, inefficient processes, and better equip Advocates with the tools to do their job in what may be a 50% shorter process time.

Hopefully, the outcome of this event will lead to the not-too-distant future Advocates being stronger, faster, and smarter at defending and smoothing out the Soldiers’ path to independence of any and all obstacles for the AW2 Soldier population.

A Throw of a Lifetime

AW2 Veteran SPC Timothy Taylor threw the opening pitch during a St. Louis Cardinals baseball game in September.

By Retired SPC Timothy Taylor, AW2 Veteran
For most people around the world, September 11, 2001, is a date they will never forget. This was true for me, but I had to wait before I could make an impact. Almost a year later, after my seventeenth birthday, I joined the Army  ready  to get in the fight. I had no way of knowing the effect that would have on me ten years later

On September 10, 2011, I got to throw the opening pitch at the St. Louis Cardinals baseball game. Just like September 11, I will never forget this day, but for very different reasons.

I never imagined that one day I would be throwing a pitch in front of 40,000 screaming fans. It was by far the coolest thing I’ve done in my life. Many great things have happened to me since I was injured in Iraq on October 27, 2005, but none more exciting than this .

I know I was lucky to be picked to attend the game, let alone throw a pitch .There are too many people to thank, but I would like to acknowledge Pat Collins, my Advocate with the Army Wounded Warrior Army Wounded Warrior Program (AW2), without her support this never would have been possible. To all my fellow wounded warriors continue to get help and push for what you deserve. To all the Soliders keep up the good fight, and come home safe.

Commander’s Drumbeat: Warrior Care Month

BG Darryl A. WilliamsBy BG Darryl A. Williams, WTC Commander

In November we observe Warrior Care Month. The theme is “Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit: Unlocking Unlimited Potential”.

Taking care of Soldiers is something we do every day. Observing Warrior Care Month allows us to highlight the significance of keeping Soldiers healthy and safe, and taking care of them when something doesn’t go right. We’re all in the business of caring for the Army’s wounded, ill and injured Soldiers—Active, Guard and Reserve.

I realize most people think of the combat injured when they hear the term ‘warrior care’. Clearly, that is warrior care and there is no higher calling than helping these men and women heal. Warrior care is also preventing illnesses and keeping Soldiers healthy and ready to deploy. Warrior care is arming Soldiers with tourniquets that they can use with only one hand. It’s having the best trained medics in the world standing shoulder to shoulder with our combat Soldiers.

Warrior care is an undertaking that encompasses a broad scope of efforts that extend way beyond the battlefield including managing pain with medication and with complementary medicine such as acupuncture, massage, and yoga. Warrior care means building resilience and ensuring our men and women in uniform are strong in mind, body and spirit. Warrior care is our best researchers looking at how we can advance medicine, improve protective gear and treat trauma and complex injuries. It’s having a battle buddy who looks after you and a leader you can count on.

During Warrior Care Month I ask that you also take time to recognize the men and women who don’t wear the uniform but who support and care for our Soldiers and their families. I’m talking about our partners at the Veterans Administration, Congress, Veterans organizations, non-profit organizations, corporate America, local communities and individual citizens. These are the people retired Admiral Michael Mullen, (former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) was referencing when he said there is a “Sea of Goodwill” in America.

I know a lot of you are planning events to honor the wounded, ill and injured men and women in uniform and to highlight what we do and what this Nation does each day in the spirit of Warrior Care. Like me, you’re likely looking forward to the events you’ll be attending. I’m excited about this month. We have a lot going on here in the National Capital Region. We will support the Navy in a wheelchair basketball expo and clinic in the Pentagon on November 18, and on November 22 the Warrior Transition Command is hosting a seated volleyball tournament. It’s going to be a great month. I’ll be traveling, visiting some WTUs and attending events that honor our Soldiers and people who work to keep them safe and healthy. It doesn’t get any better than this!

As I wrap things up, I want to emphasize my three priorities—education, training and employment. A WTU is a place for Soldiers to heal; it’s also a place for them to plan for their future; a place to develop a good, solid way ahead for them and for their family. When they leave a WTU I want them to have received the best medical care possible, have the education and training they need to succeed and have a job or career lined up.

We owe them our best, and Warrior Care Month is a time to commemorate their strength and resilience and the importance of what we do throughout the year.

I’d enjoy hearing about your Warrior Care Month plans and experiences. Please post your comments on this blog by clicking on the headline and scrolling to the bottom of the page to the comment box.

More information on events at WTUs around the country is available on the WTC website at

Six Former Warriors in Transition Graduate from WTU Cadre Course

By SSG Emily Anderson, WTC Stratcom
Working as a squad leader or platoon sergeant at a Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) can be a rewarding challenge. Six Soldiers previously assigned to a WTU decided to embrace their experiences, atte

MG David Rubenstein (center), Commander, Army Medical Department Center and School, proudly stands with six Soldiers, previously assigned to a WTU, who graduated from the September WTU Cadre Course.

nd the WTU Cadre Course, and accept the call of helping other Soldiers through their recovery, rehabilitation, and transition process.

“I was inspired by peers and enjoy helping Soldiers,” said SSG Erica Thill, who was injured in Afghanistan in 2010. Thill graduated from the September WTU cadre training course.

The two-week course averages 110 attendees, a steady increase from the 69 participants when the course first started in October 2008.

“This strong partnership between the staff of the Warrior Transition Command (WTC) and the Army Medical Department Center and School (AMEDDC&S) highlights the Army’s outstanding efforts and continued commitment to these Soldiers and their Families,” said BG Darryl Williams, Assistant Surgeon General for Warrior Care and Transition and WTC Commander.

“This course gives the team of individuals who work one-on-one with the wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers a solid foundation, and the tools to coordinate aspects of the Warrior in Transition’s medical and non-medical care,” Williams said.

During the two-week resident course, and while completing the 28 online learning modules before attending the course,  WTU cadre learn what is expected of them to lead Warriors in Transition.

SSG Michael Lage, Ft. Sam Houston, Texas, said he chose to become a squad leader because, “I want to give back what was given to me. I’ll be able to help Warriors in Transition because of my own experience.”

Another graduate, SGT William Record had similar sentiments about working as a WTU cadre member, “I want to help Soldiers recover, grow, and make sure they know great things can be done—while being positive”

The two-week course focuses on training squad leaders and platoon sergeants, and  engages nurse case mangers and WTU leadership to ensure that each Warrior in Transition benefits from the Triad of Care, as well as a multidisciplinary team of specialists who work together to support each Soldier in a WTU.

The Triad of Care ensures wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers receive the appropriate medical treatments, and attends to details such as making sure Soldiers attend medical appointments, visit with Family members, have housing and transportation, and continue to receive pay and benefits.

The WTC and the AMEDDC&S staff, as members of teaching organizations, continue to work to shape the course—offering classes monthly and looking at a more scenario-based training.  These leaders are also considering follow-up training to the residence course to ensure the cadre leading and taking care of our wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers are the best trained in the Army.

This focused training is a testament to the commitment of leaders at all levels of the Army to make sure WTU cadre are armed with the best tools and capabilities possible to lead and care of our wounded, ill, and injured warriors.

Commander’s Drumbeat—The Excitement of AUSA

By BG Darryl A. Williams, WTC Commander

It’s always great to see the Army Family come together.  Last week was a whirlwind of reconnections, fun experiences, and meaningful opportunities.  Sunday started at 0630 with the Army Ten-Miler.  I met with our team for photos, gave them a send-off and met our wounded warriors as they crossed the finish line.  One WTC employee told me that she was excited to run with the Missing Parts in Action team—current and past wounded, ill, and injured Soldiers who received treatment at Walter Reed—and especially enjoyed seeing them leave her in the dust.  Rehabilitation at its best!  The Warrior Transition Command and the Missing Parts teams were both impressive.

BG Darryl Williams, Warrior Transition Command Commander, congratulates world class runners Tesfaqe Sendekee, first overall male finisher, and Tezata Dengera, first overall female finisher at the 2011 Army Ten Miler (ATM) footrace. Both athletes competed for the 'I Run for God' (IR4G) team coached by LTC (Ret.) Sue Bozgoz. Each runner as well as additional IR4G runners donated their ATM trophies to WTC's Army wounded warriors.

I have to give a shout-out to everyone who participated but especially the International Running Team—I Run for God or IR4G.  These men and women ran for wounded warriors and took first place overall, first place in the overall male category, and first, second and third places overall in the female categories.  They very generously presented us their trophies on Thursday.

If you did not participate in the Army Ten-Miler, start making plans now for next year. It is a super event.  I’m already talking to my team about all the ways we can ramp up our presence and get more folks involved. I ran into people I hadn’t seen in years, ate great food, and saw some excellent exhibits.  I even heard some good music and saw a martial arts expo.  It was an all-around festive time with Families, friends, and colleagues—two of my kids were with me and even they had a ball.

You all know that I’m adamant about making it clear that we represent and work for Active Duty, Guard and Reserve.  To build on that—we were fortunate to share a Hooah Tent with Community-Based Warrior Transition Unit (CBWTU) Illinois.  Kudos to all the runners and the volunteers who showed up to share education and information products, and talk to visitors about WTC and what we do every day to support wounded, ill and injured warriors.  They also dished up a load of award-winning chili for runners and spectators—that was a big draw at our tent.

I had such a great time I didn’t think the week could get any better.  Then on Monday I had the privilege of listening to the Secretary of the Army.  While the Secretary did admit budget cuts sometimes keep him up at night, he also told us that unlike in the past, we saw this downturn coming and are better positioned than at any time in our nation’s history to deal with the fiscal realities, and do it in a way that truly makes sense.  He reinforced that part of dealing with these realities is to cut end-strength and that our Army will look different than it does now.  He emphasized that no conflict is ever won without boots on the ground and was confident the Army can handle the challenge of these pending reductions.

He addressed who we are and what we do when he said, “We’re still at war. We work diligently every day to try to make certain they get what they need, to get it when they need it, that we give them all the support they require to build resilience and all the care that’s necessary when they come home.”

For you history buffs, he was right on the money when he referenced  the book “This Kind of War,” and TR Fehrenbach’s passage, “You may fly over land forever, you may bomb it, atomize it, pulverize it, and wipe it clean of life. But if you desire to defend it, protect it and keep it for civilization, you must do this on the ground the way the Roman legions did, by putting your young men into the mud.”  He went on to acknowledge that “Fehrenbach’s observations are as relevant today as they ever were, because while we shocked, while we awed, at the end of the day, we did the most important thing to gain and ensure victory, we marched. And there is no getting around the fact that it is the Army that has been saddled with much of the burden these past years, providing between fifty to seventy percent of our deployable forces. And while I’m loathe to view our men and women in uniform as mere budgetary statistics, I think it’s important to remind people that while the United States Army represents half of our nation’s entire force, we consume only about a quarter to 30 percent of the entire defense budget.”

Later on Monday, I was on a panel with the Army Surgeon General, Deputy Surgeon General, and the FORSCOM Surgeon, Supporting the Deployment of Healthy, Resilient and Fit Soldiers…Soldier Medical Readiness.   There was significant focus on how we identify and deal with non-medically ready Soldiers, and fitness and nutrition.  It felt good to say that we return about 50 percent of our Warrior Transition Unit (WTU) Soldiers to duty and support all our wounded, ill and injured with a personalized Comprehensive Transition Plan  that supports their goals to return to duty or transition out of military service.

Reflecting on the remarks by the Secretary and the Surgeon General on the future and resilience of our Army, I was reminded of who we are and how young we are.  This command is only about two years old and we’ve only had WTUs since 2007.  As the Surgeon General says, we are a learning organization and continuously changing.  Our history is already rich with success and change.  We went from medical hold companies to WTUs; from having no plan to the Army Medical Action Plan; from rehabilitation and therapy to Warrior Games.  Very soon I’ll be sending out the new Comprehensive Transition Plan guidance for coordination and I’ll have new command information product—a newsletter, Warrior Care and Transition Program Update—coming your way soon.

Before I sign off, remember that in November we will celebrate Warrior Care Month across the Army.  I want you all to be fully engaged as this is the most important monthly observance we have.  The Warrior Care Month joint-service theme is “Healing the Mind, Body, and Spirit: Unlocking Unlimited Potential.”  You all know better than anybody what this means and that these men and women embody strength and resilience.  They are the products of prevention and research that resulted in more survivors of combat injures than ever before.  My three priorities for these men and women are education, training, and careers.  Let’s show the world who we are next month and what we do every day to support those who have given so much.  It’s a time to highlight our wounded, ill and injured—Active, Guard and Reserve, and the people who support them.

I’d enjoy hearing about your Army Ten-Miler, AUSA experience and plans for Warrior Care Month.  What stood out, and what we can do better on next year.  Please post your comments on this blog by clicking on the headline and scrolling to the bottom of the page to the comment box.

In closing, I would recommend you check out the remarks of the Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Army during the annual AUSA meeting.

Commander’s Drumbeat: Fort Stewart–Success Built on Teamwork

BG Darryl A. WilliamsBy BG Darryl A. Williams, WTC Commander

I recently was able to get down to Fort Stewart to visit with the leaders and Soldiers in the Warrior Transition Unit (WTU)—what a great visit and what a beautiful Army installation.   There are 234 Soldiers there who are healing and mapping out plans for their future under the leadership of LTC Bill Reitemeyer and CSM Steven Owens.  These are two impressive leaders who are in the National Guard.  They are on the ground, taking care of our wounded, ill and injured, and representing our 563 cadre and the National Guard superbly.  They are an extraordinary team, and I’m glad to have the opportunity to highlight them and their successes—a big salute to my National Guard brethren.

I can’t emphasize enough the difference it makes when WTU leaders are supported by the medical treatment facility and senior mission leaders.  The benefits are tangible and nowhere are they more apparent in our Army than at the Fort Stewart Warrior Transition Battalion (WTB).   Leaders at all levels work together to ensure they adhere to the WTU entrance criteria, that the Comprehensive Transition Plan (CTP) is adhered to, and that the medical management center are up and running efficiently to manage the medically not ready population that doesn’t need to be assigned to a WTU.  Fort Stewart is actually the model for medical management centers.  They have been in place now for about 18 months and the folks there are on point with this process.

My favorite part of these visits is meeting and talking with the cadre and Soldiers in the unit.  It was apparent that these folks are familiar with the battlefield.  About 10% of the Soldiers are combat wounded and about one third of the cadre was injured in combat.  They have a unique situation there, I’m not sure I know of any other cadre with these levels of combat injured.  Meeting with them and hearing what they had to say reinforced to me that we can have success when leaders lead and work together to execute processes in synchronization.  I’m talking about teamwork.

This trip was unique in more than one way.  I particularly enjoyed meeting with Soldiers and their therapy dogs.  For those of you who haven’t seen this in action—it’s an unbelievable combination—Soldiers and their dogs.  You all know—probably a lot better than I do—the bond that develops, the positive impact on mental and physical healing, and just overall well-being that can occur when we put the two of them together.  When you get a few minutes, I encourage all of you to read “Dogs and War” in the October issue of Men’s Health, It highlights the important work done by some of our four-legged therapists and the Soldiers they serve.

Well-deserved shout-outs go to PAWS4Vets, some special warriors and their service dogs, and WTU staff:

  • SFC Joshua Campbell’s battle buddy is Jackie and SFC Ed Boleyn’s battle buddy is Paisley.  Guys, you are my heroes.
  • Debra Dehart, Head Occupational Therapist, also gets a big hooah and shout out.  This lady is all about the Soldiers at the WTU and making things better and easier for them.  She basically grew her own military advanced training center (MATC) and is working on behavioral health care through a program that incorporates classical music and has an unbelievable efficacy rate.  Our wounded, ill and injured are fortunate to have Ms. Dehart on their team.
  • The last shout-out goes to CPT Bryan Stewart, Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC), who has oversight of the Tampa mission.  It’s a special mission set that deals largely with spinal cord injuries.  I met him this summer when some members of my team and I visited wounded warriors at the James A. Haley VA Hospital in Tampa where they specialize in treating spinal cord injuries and severe brain injuries.  He did a great job of hosting me during both visits.  I know they are looking at potentially expanding the cadre in Tampa.  The WTU has submitted a proposal for consideration, and we’re considering putting a company commander in Tampa.

To the leadership and cadre at the WTU, keep up the good work.  You are making a huge difference in the lives of the Soldiers you serve through your skills, dedication, command climate and warrior ethos. This was evident all during the visit, but was highlighted when my command sergeant major CSM Benjamin Scott, randomly spoke to a wounded warrior who was not part of the formal schedule who said, “I love my command.”

This is our testament—what we all strive for.  I know I speak for all of you when I say that our goal each morning as we start our day is to do the right thing by every Soldier who is wounded, ill or injured, and that it is a privilege to serve these very special men and women.

In wrapping things up, I want to remind you that we don’t have to do everything on our own.  There is a sea of goodwill at the local, regional and national levels that include the Army Homefront Fund (AHF) and hundreds of other organizations who want to give back to our men and women in uniform.  You can find out more by visiting the Warrior Transition Command web site resource section,

Note: The appearance of external hyperlinks and/or recognition of non-federal entities does not constitute endorsement by the United States Department of Defense, the United States Army, the United State Medical Command, or the Army Warrior Transition Command of the linked web sites, or the information, products or services contained therein.

Write a blog for WTC

Warriors in Transition can submit a blog by e-mailing WarriorCareCommunications [at]