What On Earth

Here is the list of entries for What On Earth based on the selected criteria.

Q & A: Michael Lefksy on Measuring Trees From Space Jul 27, 2010 03:06:08 PM | Patrick Lynch
Colorado State University researcher Michael Lefsky recently published the first global map of forest heights using data from a radar-like laser instrument. We talked to Michael to learn more about the work behind his work...
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What to Expect from the Arctic Jul 27, 2010 12:32:02 PM | Adam Voiland
Greg Mitchell reckons he has spent about four years of his life aboard ships. His most recent trip inside the Arctic Circle was 1989. He expects to see change now.
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Puzzling Over the Pieces Jul 27, 2010 12:30:13 PM | Adam Voiland
NASA satellites, now working for more than ten years, are beginning to allow us to examine changes in the climate. One purpose of ICESCAPE is to look at the ocean with greater detail than the satellites offer, in order to improve and refine the interpretation of the satellite data.
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Plankton on Parade Jul 27, 2010 12:26:55 PM | Adam Voiland
“We are seeing what’s in the water immediately, not after the fact in a lab, so it’s obvious when the water -- and what’s in it -- changes."
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Performance Art, Rock Music Reach Engineering Nirvana in OK Go Video Jun 03, 2010 02:52:47 PM | NASA Earth Science News Team
What do NASA techies do with their spare time? They make rock-n-roll videos that would make their daytime colleagues proud or jealous, or both.
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Soaring for Science Apr 05, 2010 08:57:44 AM | NASA Earth Science News Team
The newest bird in NASA's flock -- the unmanned Global Hawk -- took off from Dryden Flight Research Center today.
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Sea level isn't really level at all Mar 15, 2010 08:42:57 AM | NASA Earth Science News Team
Even though it’s sometimes convenient to think of the ocean as a great big bathtub, where turning on the tap at one end raises the water level in the whole tub, real sea level rise doesn’t quite happen that way.
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Deep Thoughts on the Ocean and a Scientist's Responsibility Mar 06, 2010 08:50:26 PM | NASA Earth Science News Team
Scientists love to prove each other wrong, and most of the time we can barely agree on simple questions like "why is the sky blue," much less orchestrate a conspiracy.
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Greenhouse Molecules Laid Bare Feb 24, 2010 10:14:23 AM | Adam Voiland
B-list chemical compounds might have an A-list impact on climate
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Of Science Fairs and Smorgasbords in San Francisco Jan 08, 2010 04:04:04 PM | Adam Voiland
For those of us who love earth science, the AGU meeting is a smorgasbord, and I have been bellying up to the buffet since 1995. The menu this year includes more than 15,516 choices – scientific posters, lectures, town halls, presentations – spread over five days.
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What On Earth? Jan 08, 2010 03:40:12 PM | Adam Voiland
NASA does Earth science? Who knew...
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