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The Sun, Transits and Eclipses: Shadows of the Sun

20 Dec 2012 Cassini Instrument Learns New Tricks
On Dec. 21, 2012, the visual and infrared mapping spectrometer (VIMS) will be tracking the path of Venus across the face of the sun from its perch in the Saturn system. Earthlings saw such a transit earlier this year, from June 5 to 6. But the observation in December will be the first time a spacecraft has tracked a transit of a planet in our solar system from beyond Earth orbit.
29 Nov 2012 Incredible Eclipse Video, Taken from 120,000+ Feet!
Taken from a high-altitude balloon, this video shows Australia's Nov. 14, 2012 total solar eclipse as seen from 37,000 meters (120,000+ feet, nearly 23 miles) above the Earth!
13 Nov 2012 Total Solar Eclipse, November 2012: Images and Video
Images and video from the total solar eclipse from November 13/14, 2012 (depending on where you were), which was visible only from the northern part of Australia.
8 Nov 2012 Total Eclipse of the Sun
People from around the world are converging on the coast of northeast Australia. The attraction isn't the Great Barrier Reef, just offshore, or the surrounding rain forests full of wildlife and exotic plants. They're going to see a total eclipse of the sun. On the morning of Nov. 14th (Australia time), about an hour after sunrise, the Moon will pass directly in front of the sun. Residents and visitors of the city of Cairns, also known as the Gateway to the Great Barrier Reef, will enjoy an early morning eclipse lasting 2 minutes with the sun only 14 degrees above the eastern horizon.
13 Sep 2012 Phobos in Transit
NASA's Curiosity rover is observing transits of Martian moons in front of the sun, the first of which involved the moon Phobos grazing the sun's disk.
5 Jun 2012 NASA's SDO Satellite Captures 2012 Venus Transit
On June 5-6 2012, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) collected images of one of the rarest predictable solar events: the transit of Venus across the face of the Sun.

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Last Updated: 27 Nov 2012