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Return to Solar System Exploration
How did our Sun's family of planets and bodies originate?
The Journey Begins
Mercury: MESSENGER Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN Jupiter: Juno Saturn: Cassini Sun: SOHO & SDO
Birth of Worlds
Mercury: MESSENGER Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN Jupiter: Juno Saturn: Cassini Sun: SOHO & SDO Other Solar System Objects: Dawn, EPOXI, New Horizons, Stardust-NExT, OSIRIS-REx Beyond the Solar System: Kepler & Hubble Space Telescope
A Family Affair
Mercury: MESSENGER Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN Jupiter: Juno Saturn: Cassini
How has our solar system evolved to its current diverse state?
Windy Worlds
Jupiter: Juno Saturn: Cassini
Our Favorite Things
Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail Saturn: Cassini
Other Solar System Objects: Dawn, EPOXI, New Horizons, Stardust-NExT, OSIRIS-REx
Small Bodies / Big Impacts
Other Solar System Objects: Dawn, EPOXI, New Horizons, Stardust-NExT, OSIRIS-REx
Hot Stuff!
Mercury: MESSENGER Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN Other Solar System Objects: Dawn, EPOXI, New Horizons, Stardust-NExT, OSIRIS-REx
Shadows of the Sun
Sun: SOHO & SDO Beyond the Solar System: Kepler & Hubble Space Telescope
Mercury: MESSENGER Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN Saturn: Cassini Other Solar System Objects: Dawn, EPOXI, New Horizons, Stardust-NExT, OSIRIS-REx
It's What Keeps Us Together
Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail Jupiter: Juno
Mercury: MESSENGER Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN Saturn: Cassini Other Solar System Objects: Dawn, EPOXI, New Horizons, Stardust-NExT, OSIRIS-REx
Water, Water, Everywhere!
Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN Saturn: Cassini Other Solar System Objects: Dawn, EPOXI, New Horizons, Stardust-NExT, OSIRIS-REx
Evolving Worlds
Mercury: MESSENGER Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN
Mercury: MESSENGER Jupiter: Juno Saturn: Cassini
Ancient Astronomers / Modern Tools
Sun: SOHO & SDO Beyond the Solar System: Kepler & Hubble Space Telescope
New Data, New Ideas
Mercury: MESSENGER Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN Jupiter: Juno Saturn: Cassini Sun: SOHO & SDO Other Solar System Objects: Dawn, EPOXI, New Horizons, Stardust-NExT, OSIRIS-REx Beyond the Solar System: Kepler & Hubble Space Telescope
Far-Ranging Robots
Mercury: MESSENGER Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN Saturn: Cassini
How did life begin and evolve on Earth? Are we alone?
Discovering New Worlds
Beyond the Solar System: Kepler & Hubble Space Telescope
Got Life?
Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN Saturn: Cassini Beyond the Solar System: Kepler & Hubble Space Telescope
Mission Key:
Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail
Moon: LRO, LADEE & Grail
Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN
Mars: MRO, MSL, MER, Mars Odyssey & MAVEN
Jupiter: Juno
Jupiter: Juno
Saturn: Cassini
Saturn: Cassini
Other Solar System Objects: Dawn, EPOXI, New Horizons, Stardust-NExT, OSIRIS-REx
Other Solar System Objects: Dawn, EPOXI, New Horizons, Stardust-NExT, OSIRIS-REx
Beyond the Solar System: Kepler & Hubble Space Telescope
Beyond the Solar System: Kepler & Hubble Space Telescope

These are a selection of the current and ongoing missions. The data coming back from these missions is advancing and expanding our understanding of the solar system and building upon the successful missions of the past. To find more information related to planetary science research and missions, please visit:

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NASA Official: Kristen Erickson
Advisory: Dr. James Green, Director of Planetary Science
Outreach Manager: Alice Wessen
Curator/Editor: Phil Davis
Science Writers: Samantha Harvey & Autumn Burdick
Producer: Greg Baerg
Webmaster: David Martin
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Last Updated: 27 Nov 2012