Research & Development: Meetings - Forums

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The Government/Industry Pipeline R&D Forum was held in Arlington, Virginia on July 18-19, 2012. The 2 day event is held periodically to generate a National research agenda that fosters solutions for the many challenges with pipeline safety and with protecting the environment. The forum allows public, government and industry pipeline stakeholders to develop a consensus on the technical gaps and challenges for future research. It also reduces duplication of programs, factors ongoing research efforts, leverages resources and broadens synergies. The national research agenda coming out of these events is aligned with the needs of the pipeline safety mission, makes use of the best available knowledge and expertise, and considers stakeholder perspectives. Specifically the forum:
  1. Identifies key pipeline technical challenges facing industry and government;
  2. Disseminates information on current research efforts; and
  3. Identifies new research that can help to meet known challenges.

Forum documents are available below.

Government/Industry Pipeline R&D Forum
Arlington, VA
July 18-19, 2012

Welcome/Opening Remarks:

Forum Moderator: Jeff Wiese
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA

Panel 1: National Perspectives on Key Challenges

Moderator: Linda Daugherty
Deputy Associate Administrator for Pipeline Policy & Programs, DOT/PHMSA

U.S. State Regulator: Tom Stemrich
Pipeline Safety Program Manager, Gas & Energy Division, Wisconsin Public Service Commission

Hazardous Liquid Perspective: David Pearson
Asset Integrity Team Leader, Colonial Pipeline Company

Gas Transmission Perspective: Eric Amundsen
Vice President, Technical Services, Energy Transfer

Gas Distribution Perspective: Lori Traweek, Sr.
VP and Chief Operating Officer, American Gas Association

Panel 2: Current Research Roadmaps

Moderator: James Merritt
Research Program Manager, DOT/PHMSA

Pipeline Research Council International: Mark Piazza
Senior Program Manager, PRCI

Northeast Gas Association/NYSEARCH: Daphne D'Zurko
Executive Director, NYSEARCH & Vice President, RD&D, NGA

Operations Technology Development: Maureen S. Droessler
Program Administrator, OTD

Panel 3: Advancing Technology into the Market

Moderator: Daphne D'Zurko
Executive Director, NYSEARCH & Vice President, RD&D, NGA

Advancing Technology into the Market: Paul Wehnert
Managing Director of Sales, Heath Consulting

Innovative Detection Solutions: Scott Kleppe
President, SENSIT Technologies

Commercialization of ILI Technologies: Chuck Harris
Manager, Strategic Commercialization, T.D. Williamson, Inc.

Insights On Advancing Technology to Market: John O'Brien
Focus Area Manager - Facilities, Operations & Reliability, Chevron

Working Group Overview

Moderator: Jeff Wiese
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA

Working Groups

1. Threat Prevention
Session Leader: Brian Weeks, Research manager, Gas Technology Institute
Session Leader: Gweneyette Broussard, Sr. Legislative & Regulatory Representative, Shell Pipeline

Speaker 1 – PHMSA Research & Technical Perspectives: James Merritt, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 2 – Damage Prevention & Monitoring Technology: Daphne D'Zurko, NYSEARCH/NGA
Speaker 3 – Industry Threat Database and Guidelines: Dennis Jarnecke, GTI
Speaker 4 – Managing Threats to Pipeline Integrity Through R&D Programs: Mark_Piazza, PRCI
Speaker 5 – Damage Prevention –One Call Perspective: Steve Light, VUPS
Speaker 6 – Advancements in Plastic Pipe Locating: Corey Willson, 3M

2. Leak Detection/Mitigation & Storage
Session Leader: David Bolon, Dir., Pipeline & Facility Control Systems, Enterprise Products Partners
Session Leader: Ray Philipenko, Manager Leak Detection, Enbridge

Speaker 1 – PHMSA Research & Technical Perspectives: Max Kieba, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 2 – PHMSA Leak Study Update: David Shaw, Kiefner-Applus RTD
Speaker 3 – A Collaborative R&D Roadmap for the Energy Pipeline Industry: Mark Piazza, PRCI
Speaker 4 – Underground Storage Technology Issues: Mike Whelan, PRCI
Speaker 5 – Operations Technology Development (OTD) Research: Kiran Kothari, GTI

3. Anomaly Detection/Characterization
Session Leader: Jerry Rau, Dir., Interstate Pipeline Integrity & Corrosion Services, Energy Transfer
Session Leader: Francois Rongere, R&D & Innovation Manager, Gas Operations, PG&E Company

Speaker 1 – PHMSA Research & Technical Perspectives: Joshua Johnson, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 2 – Aboveground Anomaly Detection and Characterization: Daniel Ersoy, GTI
Speaker 3 – Issues and R&D Priorities: Mark Stephens, C-FER
Speaker 4 – Moving Toward the Goal of Zero Incidents: Sergio Limon, Williams Pipeline
Speaker 5 – Natural Gas Pipeline Inspection/Assessment Technologies: George Vradis, NYSEARCH

4. Anomaly Repair & Remediation
Session Leader: Steve Rapp, Manager Metallurgical Services and Quality Assurance, Spectra Energy
Session Leader: Phil DePriest, Integrity, Damage Prevention & Risk Manager, Marathon Pipe Line

Speaker 1 – PHMSA Research & Technical Perspectives: Vinnie Holohan, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 2 – Developing Performance Criteria for Composite Materials: Ernest Lever, GTI
Speaker 3 – Technologies to Repair Anomalies in High Pressure Plastic Pipelines: Ernest Lever, GTI
Speaker 4 – Identifying Knowledge Gaps in Composite Repair Technology: Chris Alexander, SES
Speaker 5 – An Operator’s Perspective of Pipeline Repair Methods: Steve Rapp, Spectra Energy

5. Design/Materials/Welding-Joining/Valves
Session Leader: Jim Fekete, Leader, Structural Materials Group, Materials Reliability Division, NIST
Session Leader: Yong-Yi Wang, President, Center for Reliable Energy Systems

Speaker 1 – Challenges in Field Welding: Kenneth Lee, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 2 – Technology Gaps and PHMSA’s Perspectives: Steve Nanney, DOT/PHMSA
Speaker 3 – Strain-based Design & Assessment and 0.8 Design Factor: Yong-Yi Wang, CRES
Speaker 4 – Linepipe Materials for New Construction: Alex Afaganis, Alliance Pipeline
Speaker 5 – Fittings and Elbows: Robert Schmidt, Canadoil
Speaker 6 – Pipeline in Hydrogen Environment: Andy Slifka, NIST
Speaker 7 – Transportation of Alternative Fuels including CO2: Narasi Siridhar, DNV
Speaker 8 – Valves and OTD Initiatives: Dennis Jarnecke, GTI

Working Group Report-Outs

  1. Threat Prevention
  2. Leak Detection/Mitigation & Storage
  3. Anomaly Detection/Characterization
  4. Anomaly Repair & Remediation
  5. Design/Materials/Welding-Joining/Valves

Summary & Next Steps

Moderator: Jeff Wiese
Associate Administrator for Pipeline Safety, DOT/PHMSA

Sponsored by U.S. DOT PHMSA and The National Association
of Pipeline Safety Representatives