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Contact Us

by admin last modified 2012-08-27 11:11

Let us hear from you!

One of the best things you can do for us is to tell us who you are. We are funded through grants and must justify our continued work on Ferret on an annual basis. By telling us that you are a Ferret user you help us obtain funds to continue to improve Ferret.

We also like feedback so that we know we're on the right track. Ferret is a research driven product and we want to know what works for you and what doesn't. What features would you like to see? How can Ferret be improved?

We've tried to make it easy to get a hold of us. You can send mail to the developers at , but please also take a look at our Support Policy. There may be a better way to get an answer to your question.

Also, please join, or search, the Ferret Users' Group e-mail list and receive the benefit of years and years of Ferret user experience. The Ferret Support page should help you decide where best to ask your questions.

Whatever you do, please don't be a stranger.

Happy Ferreting!

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