Explosives Enforcement Officers

ATF Explosives Enforcement Officers.

ATF’s Explosives Enforcement Officers (EEOs) offer unequaled technical expertise in the bomb disposal and explosives fields. They are ATF’s primary resource when it comes to technical assistance and support in explosives matters. Their responsibilities include:

  • Providing technical advice/assistance on Federal storage regulations and the handling or disposing of explosives.
  • Threat and infrastructure vulnerability assessments both domestically and abroad.
  • Constructing facsimiles of explosive devices.
  • Preparing determinations on explosive, incendiary, and destructive devices for court proceedings.
  • Providing expert witness testimony.
  • Conducting render safe/disassembly procedures on explosive and incendiary devices and materiel.
  • Conducting large scale explosive destruction operations.
  • Operational & training support to state/local, national and international agencies and interests.
  • Underwater explosives dive and recovery operations.
  • Research studies and analyses of explosives-related equipment and materiel.
  • Supporting National Special Security Events and other major events.

EEOs keep ATF abreast of the latest technology related to explosives and render safe procedures, and they issue classifications for new explosives and materials. They are located throughout the United States. Requests for additional information on ATF’s Explosives Technology Branch and Explosives Enforcement Officers can be directed to: AEPD-ETB-HQ@atf.gov.