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U.S. Department of Energy Logo
Office of the CFO

iBudget is a comprehensive budget formulation system that is currently in the requirements definition and design/development phases. The vision for iBudget is to provide the Department with the following:

  • Streamline budget formulation business processes
  • Facilitate the formulation and review of budget requirements via workflow and data repositories
  • Produce the Department's budget justifications (field, internal, OMB, and Congressional) and supplemental budget documents
  • Produce Congressional submissions, namely the Congressional Justification and Budget Highlights;
  • Track funding changes throughout the lifecycle of each budget formulation phase
  • Integrate budget formulation data with DOE's iManage Data Warehouse (IDW) for analysis, reporting, and decision making

For more information about iBudget, click the links on the left-hand side of the page.

Federal Project Manager – Chip Wilson
Project Manager – Joanna Mantzuranis