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  • 110727-A-SV709-033
  • 110728-A-LX984-006
  • 110727-A-SV709-021
  • 110727-A-SV709-019
  • 110727-A-SV709-014
  • 110727-A-SV709-007
  • 110727-A-SV709-005
  • 110726-A-SV709-065
  • 110726-A-SV709-053
  • 110726-A-SV709-089

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Road Conditions

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These levels pertain only to on-post conditions for military vehicle movement. Place cursor over each area to view USAG names and road conditions.

Current Road Condition

USFK Road Conditions

This site is updated at 0500 hours daily and when there is a change to road conditions.  FOR UPDATED ROAD CONDITIONS CALL: 738-ROAD (7623) (Commercial: 02-7918-7623)


Green: Highway conditions are normal.

Amber: Military vehicles, other than those required for essential business, will not be driven on highways. POV owners need to use extreme caution and are encouraged to observe the rules established for military vehicles.

Red: Military vehicles, other then emergency/essential business, will not be driven. O-5 / GS-13 or above may authorize usage for business that can not be postponed without jeopardizing military requirements. Snow chains or similar devices will be used.

Black: All U.S. Government vehicles are prohibited from movement. Commanders of O-6 and above must personally authorize the use of emergency vehicles after the appropriate risk assessment and mitigation actions are considered. Snow chains or similar devices are required, no waivers are authorized.