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NACCHO and NIH Present Roots of Health Inequality The Evolving Role of Public Health Timeline How Class Works interactive Polluting Sites in Northern Manhattan interactive Hurricane Katrina: anatomy of an un-natural disaster interactive West Harlem Story interactive

What's in this Online Learning Collaborative?

As part of the Roots of Health Inequity Learning Collaborative, participants will be able to:

• Explore social processes that produce health inequities in the distribution of disease and illness.

• Strategize more effective ways to act on the root causes of health inequity.

• Form relationships with other local health departments who are working to ensure health equity.

A photo showing group collaboration
About the Project
Social justice affects the way people live, their chance of illness, and their risk of premature death. Can public health influence the unequal structuring of life conditions? This course provides an online learning environment from which to explore the root causes of inequity in the distribution of disease, illness, and death.
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Who Can Sign Up for the Course?
Anyone interested in addressing the root causes of health inequity may take this course. Our material is written primarily for local public health department staff at all levels. There is no fee. Learn More »

Continuing Education credits
Continuing Education
The first unit in this course is titled "Where Do We Start," and specific sections are available for Continuing Education.  Learn More »
NACCHO presents
The Roots of Health Inequity
A Web-Based Course for the Public
Health Workforce
The Evolving Role of Public Health Timeline
See how the roles and responsibilities of public health professionals have evolved over time.
How Class Works
An economist's view of class
in American society.
Polluting Sites in Northern Manhattan
Explore the social determinants of
asthma in children.
Anatomy of an
Un-natural Disaster
How racism contributed to the
Hurricane Katrina disaster.
West Harlem's Battle for Clean Air
A neighborhood organizes to fight
industrial pollution.