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February 12, 2013
1–2 p.m. EST

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We post solicitations for renewable energy generation, renewable energy certificates, and green power as a courtesy to our web site visitors. Unless otherwise noted, these requests for proposals (RFPs) and solicitations are neither supported nor endorsed by the U.S. Department of Energy, Green Power Network.



February 1, 2013 - Auction SRECTrade Monthly Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Auction with Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) available from Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania. The auction is live, open to buyers and sellers, and will end on Friday, February 1 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern.
Contact:, 877-466-4606
February 15, 2013 New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) RFP seeking proposals for the long-term lease of approximately 75 acres of land on and adjacent to the former Fresh Kills Landfill for the ownership, design, construction, and operation of utility-scale installations of solar and wind energy facilities.
February 19, 2013 DLA Energy RFP (Sol. SP0600-13-R-0400) seeking competitive proposals for an Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) PPA Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic Array for the U.S. EPA Division of Environmental Science and Assessment Laboratory Branch, located in Edison, New Jersey. Estimated array size is 2 MW and includes approximately 275,000 ft2 at the facility location. This ESPC must comply with all of the 42 USC 8287 ESPC authority requirements. Provider must be approved and identified on the Department of Energy's Qualified List of Energy Service Companies. A pre-proposal conference is scheduled for Thursday, December 6, 2012. All attendees must submit their names by Monday, December 3, 2012.
Contact: Jezabel Aviles, 703-767-2394
March 1, 2013 Alliant Energy Corporate Services, Inc. and Interstate Power and Light Company RFP seeking proposals to provide wind generation capacity of a size no smaller than 15 megawatts per proposal. Proposals must be capable of delivering energy via a firm network transmission service to the Alliant-West load zone within MISO or provide a pricing adjustment for Interstate Power and Light from any cost impact as a result of delivery to locations other than the Alliant-West load zone. Power Purchase Agreements must be proposed with at least three year terms and longer contract durations are also acceptable. Notification of intent to bid is due by January 29, 2013.
Contact: Rich Friedman, 608-458-8222
March 1, 2013 Coyote Springs Investment LLC (CSI) RFP seeking to lease all or a portion of up to 9,000 acres of land located one hour northeast of the Las Vegas metropolitan area in the Mojave Desert of southern Nevada for development, construction and long-term operation of one or more utility-scale solar/renewable electric generation facilities. The Interested Party Contact Information form is due on December 28, 2012, in order to be offered a confidentiality agreement and receive additional information about the property. A site tour is scheduled for January 9, 2013
Contact: Emilia K. Cargill, Fax: 702-422-1419
March 1, 2013 Iredell County, North Carolina RFP seeking proposals from landfill gas-to-energy developers for generation of approximately 3 megawatts of electricity at the Twin Oaks Landfill and sale of electricity to the local electric utility. For complete RFP package, please send an email with your name and company to Barbar Landau. Mandatory pre-proposal meeting will be held on January 11, 2013.
Contact: David Lambert, 704-878-5430
March 1, 2013 Maine Public Utilities Commission RFP seeking proposals for long-term contracts for capacity, associated energy and/or renewable energy certificates from qualifying resources. The objective of the RFP is to acquire contracts that would reduce electricity costs for Maine consumers and/or serve as a hedge against price volatility. Environmental and reliability attributes of the resources may also be considered.
Contact: Faith Huntington, 207-287-1373
December 31, 2015 State of New York Energy Research and Development Authority RFP (PON 2439) announcing the availability of approximately $13.8 million in incentives to encourage the installation of end-use wind energy systems for residential, commercial, institutional or government use. The incentives, of up to $400,000 per site/customer, will be paid to eligible installers who install new approved grid-connected wind energy systems using qualified equipment, in accordance with the eligibility requirements described below. The maximum equipment size shall be 2 MW per site/customer. NYSERDAs incentive shall not exceed 50% of the total installed cost of the system. Applications accepted from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2015 or until funds are fully committed.
Bids Accepted While Capacity Available Associated Electric Cooperative Inc. (AECI) RFP seeks purchasers of surplus capacity, renewable capacity, and energy. ACEI is projected to have surplus system capacity from 2012 through 2020 and is seeking counterparties interested in purchasing capacity and/or energy in this period.
Contact: Bill Alkier, 417-885-9376
Daily Auction Flett Exchange Solar Renewable Energy Certificate Auction with SRECs available from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Washington D.C. and Ohio. RPS buyers and solar REC sellers can buy or sell daily.
Contact:, 201-209-0234
No Deadline Progress Energy Carolinas RFP seeking to purchase qualifying "all-in" generation from non-solar renewable resources that are less than 10 MW via power purchase agreement to meet the North Carolina RPS requirements.
Contact: Nancy Barwick,
No Deadline Progress Energy Florida RFP seeking cost-effective renewable projects that offset the need for new power plants. Preference is granted to projects larger than 1 MW in generation capacity, projects must be reliable, and located in Florida.

RFP Submissions

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