Records 1 to 10 of 58
Administrative Dispute Resolution Act (ADRA)
Jan 31, 2011Preview
Advisory Opinions
Jan 31, 2011Preview
Agency FOIA Regulations
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Amending and Correcting Records
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Best Practices for FOIA Requesters
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Jan 31, 2011Preview
Can OGIS Order an Agency to Release Records?
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Certification or Authenticating Federal Records
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Congressional Records
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Court Records
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Delays and Tracking
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Dispute Resolution Skills Training Offered by OGIS
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Sep 22, 2011Preview
Exemption 1
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Exemption 2
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Exemption 3
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Exemption 4
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Exemption 5
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Exemption 6
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Exemption 7
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Exemption 8
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Exemption 9
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Expedited Processing
Nov 27, 2011Preview
Fee Limitations
Oct 19, 2011Preview
FOIA Best Practices for Federal Agencies
Sep 21, 2011Preview
FOIA Fee Types
Sep 22, 2011Preview
FOIA Fee Waivers
Sep 22, 2011Preview
Sep 22, 2011Preview
FOIA Public Liaisons
Sep 21, 2011Preview
FOIA Requester Categories
Sep 22, 2011Preview
Nov 27, 2011Preview
Grand Jury Information
Sep 21, 2011Preview
How Agencies Search for Responsive Records
Sep 21, 2011Preview
How FOIA and the Privacy Act of 1974 Intersect
Sep 21, 2011Preview
How to File an Appeal
Oct 19, 2011Preview
Lifecycle of a FOIA Request
Sep 22, 2011Preview
Limitations on Stopping (Tolling) FOIA’s Response Time
Nov 27, 2011Preview
Local Public Records
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Make a FOIA Request
Sep 22, 2011Preview
Mediation Services
Jan 31, 2011Preview
OGIS as a non-exclusive alternative to litigation
Oct 19, 2011Preview
OGIS Enforcement Authority
Oct 19, 2011Preview
OGIS involvement does not ”stop the FOIA clock”
Oct 19, 2011Preview
OGIS Mission
Sep 21, 2011Preview
OGIS Review
Nov 27, 2011Preview
OGIS Services for Agencies
Sep 21, 2011Preview
OGIS Services for Requesters
Sep 21, 2011Preview
OPEN Government Act of 2007
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Presentence Report and Statement of Reasons
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Proactive Disclosures
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Record Schedules/ Records Destruction
Nov 27, 2011Preview
Records Management/ Finding Records
Nov 27, 2011Preview
Review of Policies, Procedures and Compliance
Nov 27, 2011Preview
State Public Records
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Submitter Notice
Sep 21, 2011Preview
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Sep 21, 2011Preview
Vaughn Index
Sep 21, 2011Preview
What Entities are Subject to FOIA?
Nov 27, 2011Preview