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Rob Portman

Rob Portman
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  1. Yet another reminder of unsustainable budgets: The Hill: “At this pace, the deficit would be on pace to top $1 trillion for the fifth-straight year in 2013. All the trillion-dollar deficits have taken place under President Obama.”
  2. In the 113th Congress, I will be joining the Senate Finance Committee as well as continuing to serve on the Senate Budget, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and Energy and Natural Resources Committees. In addition, Senator John C...ornyn (R-TX), the incoming Senate Minority Whip, has asked me to continue serving on the Whip team as a Deputy Whip.

    The Finance Committee is the place where I think I can help Ohio and my constituents most. The big issues that must be addressed to avoid a fiscal crisis all run through the Committee, and I look forward to being in the middle of efforts to both grow the economy and address the out of control spending. This means we must reform and preserve our vital yet unsustainable entitlement programs, modernize and simplify an out of date tax code, and substantially increase our exports by opening new markets for American workers, farmers, and service providers. The Senate Finance Committee will be at the center of each of these debates, and I'm looking forward to using the experience gained on the House Ways & Means Committee, and as the U.S. Trade Representative and Director of the Office of Management and Budget, to ensure we do what is needed to truly turn the economy around and avoid a fiscal crisis.

    I’m also pleased to continue as a Deputy Whip and plan to use this important role to get our economy back on track and encourage job creation.
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  3. One of America's most highly respected economic reporters tells it like it is. Robert Samuelson says it's time for the President to lead on spending:
  4. At a time when our country is facing record debt and trillion dollar deficits, the last thing Washington should do is reward itself with a pay increase. I am calling on President Obama to withdraw his recent Executive Order raising federal salaries -- including for Members of Congress. Until a long-term deficit reduction agreement is reached, we should not consider increasing the pay for Congress.
  5. Would be crazy to avoid fiscal cliff by HIGHER spending and NO deficit reduction. Dem offer reportedly does that by spending $600b more! Time is short, DC needs to get serious
  6. My favorite thing to do on my birthday is volunteer at Habitat house. I was happy to have the opportunity to continue the tradition in D.C. yesterday.
    Photo: My favorite thing to do on my birthday is volunteer at Habitat house.  I was happy to have the opportunity to continue the tradition in D.C. yesterday.
  7. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes yesterday, the Facebook messages, emails, tweets, etc. So thoughtful.
  8. Final conference report of the Defense Authorization out tonight, able to defeat White House efforts to shutter the Mansfield Air National Guard base, Lima's JSMC tank plant, and was also able to secure funded needed for RD&D project at Piketon's ACP, Southern Ohio's largest employer. More on our efforts below
  9. I was honored to serve with Senator Inouye and proud to call him both a colleague and a friend. Dan was a true role model, not only for his acts of valor as a hero in World War II and his extraordinary service to our country as one of the nation’s longest-serving Senators, but also for his humility and graciousness. He was a counselor to younger members like me, a great listener, and a Senator who always put his nation and the people of Hawaii ahead of partisan politics and his own ambition. He will be greatly missed in the Senate, and my thoughts and prayers are with his family and all those in Hawaii who are losing a hero tonight.
  10. 109 years ago today, the Wright Brothers from Dayton, OH successfully flew the 1st powered airplane, changing the world as we knew it
  11. As Jews in Ohio and around the world light the hanukkiyah as we near the end of the Festival of Lights, Jane and I hope all celebrating have had a Happy Hanukkah. In its triumphant joy, this holiday reminds us of the unceasing threats to the Jewish people, and so we must, as always, unceasingly renew our commitment to the safety and security of our friends in Israel and Jews around the globe.
  12. Honored to be at the Ohio National Guard homecoming ceremony today. It was great to see these Guardsmen reunited with their families for the holidays
    Photo: Honored to be at the Ohio National Guard homecoming ceremony today. It was great to see these Guardsmen reunited with their families for the holidays
  13. Rooting for Mt. Union Purple Raiders to bring home a national championship in the Stagg Bowl tomorrow.
  14. Amazing, we're in mid-December yet no Fall 2012 Regulatory Agenda from President Obama, let alone the Spring 2012 Agenda, and this from someone who promised the most transparent administration in history. According to a 2011 Gallup survey, ...overregulation tops the list of "most important problems" facing America's small-business owners. With our economy stuck in the worst jobs slump since the Great Depression, the pressing need is to build a regulatory climate that encourages investment, growth and job creation.See More

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