Science Images of the Week

NASA's Cassini spacecraft took this natural color composite photo of Saturn (Photo: NASA)

This natural color composite photo of Saturn was taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. (NASA)

A baby Adélie penguin nuzzles up to its mother. This photo was taken inside one of three bird colonies on Ross Island near Antarctica. (Photo:

A baby Adélie penguin nuzzles up to its mother inside one of three bird colonies on Ross Island near Antarctica. (

Here's A close-up photo of Robonaut 2 - R2, the first dexterous humanoid robot in space that was taken inside the International Space Station's Destiny laboratory. By the way you can see the reflections of NASA astronaut Kevin Ford on R2's helmet visor. (Photo: NASA)

This is Robonaut 2-R2, the first dexterous humanoid robot in space, in an image taken inside the International Space Station.  NASA astronaut Kevin Ford’s reflection can be seen on R2′s helmet visor. (NASA)

Lava from a tiny lava pond flows on the north side of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano. (Photo: USGS)

Lava from a lava pond, below the peak, flows on the north side of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano. (USGS)

Using data from the Hubble Space Telescope this is an assembled photo illustration of the magnificent spiral galaxy M106. (Image: R. Gendler/NASA)

Photo illustration of the magnificent spiral galaxy M106, assembled using data from the Hubble Space Telescope. (NASA)

This is a photomicrograph of a brown fat cell (brown adipocyte) that was taken from a muscle stem cell (Image: Alessandra Pasut, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute)

This photograph, taken through a microscope, is of a brown fat cell (brown adipocyte) taken from a muscle stem cell. (Alessandra Pasut, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute)

Technicians pack-up and prepare NASA's Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) satellite for its scheduled launch on Monday, Feb. 11th at 1800 UTC (Photo: NASA)

Technicians prepare NASA’s Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) satellite for its scheduled launch on Monday, Feb. 11 at 1800 UTC. (NASA)

When sockeye salmon migrate from salt water to fresh water, they change color--going from their ocean colors of mostly silver to red when in fresh water (Photo: Dr. Tom Quinn, University of Washington)

Sockeye salmon migrate from salt water to fresh water in British Columbia’s Fraser River, changing from their silvery ocean colors to red in fresh water. (Tom Quinn, University of Washington)

The Orion nebula is featured in this sweeping image from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer, or WISE. (Image: NASA)

The Orion nebula is showcased in this sweeping image from NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). (NASA)

An Atlas V rocket carrying NASA's Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-K (TDRS-K), streaks past the Vehicle Assembly Building and Launch Complex 39 at Kennedy Space Center in Florida  (Photo: NASA)

An Atlas V rocket carrying NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-K (TDRS-K) streaks past a building at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. (NASA)

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