Welcome Message

  • Jobs Fair for Veterans

    Welcome to my website. Here, you can do more than follow my work in Congress.

    By emailing me, connecting on Facebook, or signing up for my email surveys, you can take part in the conversation about our priorities as a nation and help me better represent you.

    Serving South Florida is my greatest honor. I hope to hear from you soon.

  • Identity Theft and Tax Fraud Workshop

    Welcome to my website. Here, you can do more than follow my work in Congress.

    By emailing me, connecting on Facebook, or signing up for my email surveys, you can take part in the conversation about our priorities as a nation and help me better represent you.

    Serving South Florida is my greatest honor. I hope to hear from you soon.

  • February 18th RSVP

    Welcome to my website. Here, you can do more than follow my work in Congress.

    By emailing me, connecting on Facebook, or signing up for my email surveys, you can take part in the conversation about our priorities as a nation and help me better represent you.

    Serving South Florida is my greatest honor. I hope to hear from you soon.

  • Fly a Flag over the Capitol

    Welcome to my website. Here, you can do more than follow my work in Congress.

    By emailing me, connecting on Facebook, or signing up for my email surveys, you can take part in the conversation about our priorities as a nation and help me better represent you.

    Serving South Florida is my greatest honor. I hope to hear from you soon.

  • Sign up for Rep. Deutch's Updates

    Welcome to my website. Here, you can do more than follow my work in Congress.

    By emailing me, connecting on Facebook, or signing up for my email surveys, you can take part in the conversation about our priorities as a nation and help me better represent you.

    Serving South Florida is my greatest honor. I hope to hear from you soon.

Previous Spotlight Next Spotlight


  • Deutch Delivers

    Rep. Deutch dons a UPS uniform and accompanies drivers on a local delivery route.

  • Supporting America's Veterans

    Visit the legislative section of our website to learn about Congressman Deutch's legislation to help homeless veterans get back on their feet.

  • Improving Cost of Living Adjustments

    During a press conference, Ted explains that cost of living adjustments under Social Security should not be cut, but increased.

  • Coffee with Your Congressman

    Rep. Deutch hosts a coffee for constituents in Coconut Creek. Sign up for Ted's email updates to stay in the loop about events.

  • Rep. Deutch in Your Community

    Rep. Deutch has launched a new browsable map of his events throughout South Florida available at http://deutch.house.gov/maps/

See More Photos


  • Deutch Opposes GOP Move to Put Social Security on the Chopping Block

    Congressman Deutch urges opposition to HR 444, which nullifies Social Security's historic independence from the general budget.

  • Deutch Argues US Goal Should Be Prevention of Fatah-Hamas Alliance

    Congressman Deutch provided opening remarks during his first hearing as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Middle East and North Africa.

  • Rep. Deutch Questions Secretary Clinton on Challenges to Diplomatic Security

    In a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told Congressman Ted Deutch that the drawing down of military forces in Iraq and Afghanistan will present new challenges to diplomacy in the Middle East.

  • Rep. Deutch's First Remarks in 113th Congress: Amend the Constitution

    Congressman Ted Deutch delivered his first floor speech of the 113th Congress on the need to get money out of politics by amending the Constitution.

  • Congressman Deutch Urges Passage of House Resolution 834

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Top News Story

Deutch and Bilirakis: EU Must Recognize Hezbollah as Terrorist Organization

Feb 6, 2013

Rep. Ted Deutch (D-FL) and Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-GL) issued the following statements regarding the Bulgarian government’s report that two individuals responsible for the July 2012 terrorist attack on a bus in Burgas, Bulgaria, have ties to Hezbollah. Five Israeli tourists and the Bulgarian bus drive... read more.

Recent Votes

Date RC# Bill Vote
2/13 40 h r 267 Yea
2/13 39 h r 592 Yea
2/6 38 h r 444 No
2/6 37 h r 444 Aye
2/6 36 h r 444 No