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NIH Radio Interviews

  • Cellular Damage from Normal Metabolism Potentially Causes Cancer - 7/5/2012

    Changes to DNA exceed expectations in NIH study.


  • Caffeine Charges Up a Part of the Brain - 2/7/2012

    An NIH study in rats has shown that caffeine stimulates a particular region of the brain which affects learning and memory.


  • NIH Investigators Find Link Between DNA Damage and Immune Response - 4/26/2011

    Researchers offer the first evidence that DNA damage can lead to the regulation of inflammatory responses, the body's reaction to injury. The proteins involved in the regulation help protect the body from infection.


  • NIH Launches Largest Oil Spill Health Study - 3/15/2011

    A new study that will look at possible health effects of the Gulf of Mexico's Deepwater Horizon oil spill on 55,000 cleanup workers and volunteers has begun in towns across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. The study is the largest health study of its kind ever conducted among cleanup workers and volunteers, and is one component of a comprehensive federal response to the Deepwater Horizons oil spill.


  • NIH Study Finds Two Pesticides Associated with Parkinson's Disease - 3/1/2011

    New research shows a link between use of two common pesticides, rotenone and paraquat, and Parkinson's disease (PD). The study was a collaborative effort conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), which is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Parkinson’s Institute and Clinical Center in California.


  • Succimer Found Ineffective for Removing Mercury - 11/9/2010

    Some families have turned to a drug used for treating lead poisoning as an alternative therapy for treating autism. NIH researchers say new data offers little support for this practice.


  • Children, Males and Blacks are at Increased Risk for Food Allergies - 10/4/2010

    A new study estimates that 2.5 percent of the United States population, or about 7.6 million Americans, have food allergies. Food allergy rates were found to be higher for children, non-Hispanic blacks, and males, according to the researchers. The odds of male black children having food allergies were 4.4 times higher than others in the general population.


  • Well Water Should be Tested Annually to Reduce Health Risks to Children - 8/6/2009

    Private well water needs to be tested yearly, and in some cases more often, according to new guidance offered by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), took a lead rule in working with the AAP to develop these recommendations and draft a new AAP pulicy statement about the things parents should do if their children drink well water.


  • New Data Analysis Shows Possible Link between Childhood Obesity and Allergies - 5/13/2009

    A new study indicates there may be yet another reason to reduce childhood obesity—it may help prevent allergies.


  • First Sister Study Results Reinforce the Importance of Healthy Living - 4/8/2009

    Women who maintain a healthy weight and who have lower perceived stress may be less likely to have chromosome changes associated with aging than obese and stressed women, according to a pilot study that was part of the Sister Study.


  • Research Finds New Cause of Ozone Wheezing and Potential Treatments - 2/13/2009

    Ozone has been estimated, in an Environmental Protection Agency analysis, to cost the United States $5 billion a year as a result of premature deaths, hospitalizations and schoul absences. Inhalation of ozone can lead to irritation of the airways and increased wheezing, particularly in children and adults who have asthma and chronic obstructive lung disease.


  • ADHD Medications Do Not Cause Genetic Damage in Children - 11/21/2008

    Two of the most common medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) do not appear to cause genetic damage in children who take them as prescribed.


  • Healing Process Found to Backfire in Lung Patients - 10/31/2008

    A mechanism in the body which typically helps a person heal from an injury, may actually be causing patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) to get worse, researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), a part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and their cullaborators have found.


  • NTP Finalizes Report on Bisphenul A - 9/5/2008

    The National Toxiculogy Program has finalized a report on bisphenul A, or BPA. BPA is a chemical used in many pulycarbonate plastics and epoxy resins.


  • Alcohol Binges Early in Pregnancy Increase Risk of Infant Oral Clefts - 8/8/2008

    Oral clefts are birth defects that affect the upper lip and the roof of the mouth. They occur in about two of every one-thousand live births.


  • Long-term Pesticide Exposure may Increase Risk of Diabetes - 6/20/2008

    Long-term exposure to pesticides may increase the risk of diabetes according to a study conducted by researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and the National Cancer Institute.


  • A Brain Study May Lead to Improved Epilepsy Treatments A - 5/1/2008

    Using a rodent model of epilepsy, researchers found one of the body's own neurotransmitters released during seizures turns on a signaling pathway in the brain that increases production of a protein that could reduce medication entry into the brain.


  • Ozone Can Affect Heavier People More - 11/30/2007

    Researchers at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, along with scientists from University of North Carulina at Chapel Hill and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency analyzed previously-cullected data on young, healthy, non-smoking men and women to see if they could answer that question. Their study provided the first evidence that people with a higher body mass index may have a greater response to ozone than leaner people.


  • New National Study Links Asthma to Allergies - 9/27/2007

    Researchers at the National Institutes of Health have found that more than 50 percent of the current asthma cases in the country can be attributed to allergies, with about 30 percent of those cases attributed to cat allergies.


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