Rwanda specialty coffee improves income for rural coffee farmers


$3.5 Million in 18 Active Project Grants
Map of Rwanda

USADF Program Goals

1) Focus program activities on marginalized communities in Africa.

2) Invest in Africans and their ideas through participatory development.

3) Ensure projects produce long term social and economic results.

Country Contact

For further information contact USADF's country representative.

Country Program Coordinator
Mr. Geoffrey Kayigi
United States African Development Foundation
PO Box 7210
CCOAIB Building, 3rd Floor
Remera 1, Plot 2280
Ave. of Umuganda
Kigali, Rwanda
Phone: (+250) 5 48 63

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USADF re-opened Rwanda programming in 2006

USADF’s current program in Rwanda was re-established in 2006 after leaving during the genocide.

Focus: Enabling farmer cooperatives and associations to expand production and value-added processing and enlarge their memberships particularly in the tea, rice, pineapple, potato and cassava sectors of agriculture.  USADF grants range from capacity building to export-oriented projects such as specialty coffee and handcrafted baskets and jewelry. Tea and rice projects reach thousands of farmer members.  

Marginalized: USADF grants provide economic opportunities to marginalized communities in remote locations.  Grants aim to increase household incomes and food security for group members many of whom are widows and orphans, people living with HIV/AIDS, returnees or repatriates, and the elderly.  

Food Security: Approximately half of USADF grants focus on building the capacity of agriculture cooperatives in Rwanda a county that has one of the highest density populations in Africa. USADF works directly with these rural farmer organizations to improve agricultural production on limited land resources and engage in processing activities to bring higher prices for their products.  

Conflict/Post-Conflict: Since the 1994 genocide, Rwanda has been working to maintain peace and unity among the ethnic groups in the country. To support this, USADF grants to rural groups increase household incomes and promote growth and job creation in the agricultural sector.

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