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   Celebrating the Eisenhower Interstate System

Welcome to the Eisenhower Interstate Highway System Web site

The Federal Highway Administration invites you to explore this Web site devoted to the Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways. From the start on June 29, 1956, the Eisenhower Interstate System has been known as the Greatest Public Works Project in History. On this Web site, you will find information about the history of the Eisenhower Interstate System and how it affects each of our lives daily, not just as a means of travel, but as a part of our culture and the American way of life.

This Web site is dedicated to the visionaries and leaders of past generations who created and funded the Interstate System as well as the State and Federal officials, private contractors, and members of national organizations who helped make the United States the most mobile country in the world. As we honor the past, there is no higher calling for those of us in the present generation of transportation officials than to ensure Eisenhower Interstate System continues to serve America for decades to come.

Interstate Fact of the Day

Although the Interstate System accounts for about 1.1 percent of the Nation's total public road mileage, it carries 24 percent of all highway travel.

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