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Home PBR MAGIK NG-7 DANSE project

Reflectometry uses neutrons scattered at grazing angles to probe the nuclear and magnetic composition of flat samples. Common types of materials studied include biological membranes, magnetic multilayers, and polymer films.  The NCNR has three reflectometers -  PBR, MAGIK, and NG-7 - each specially configured for different types of research.  Please visit the instrument pages (linked above) for specific information.

RESEARCH EXAMPLES (click for link)

structure of lipid membranes

NATURE 462, 473 (2009)

charge transfer in manganites

PRL 107, 167202 (2011)

stability of organic glasses SCIENCE 315, 19 (2007)

Chuck Majkrzak - team leader

Bulent Akgun - polymers

Norm Berk - theory

Julie Borchers - magnetism

Steven DeCaluwe - electrochemistry

Michael Dimitriou - polymers

Joe Dura - hydrogen / electrochemistry

Frank Heinrich - biology

Paul Kienzle - software

Brian Kirby - magnetism

Susan Krueger - biology

Brian Maranville - magnetism

Ella Milhailescu - biology

Hirsh Nanda - biology

Sushil Satija - polymers

David Worcester - biology

Last modified 20-August-2012 by website owner: NCNR (attn: Brian Kirby)




specular reflectivity

specular comparison

off-specular planner

scattering length density

Refl1D:  model fitting

DiRefl:  direct inversion

Reflpak:  data reduction

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