General Information
  NRCS Limited Resource Farmer Programs
Determination Tools
  FY 2013 Online Tool
  FY 2012 Historic Data
  FY 2011 Historic Data
  FY 2010 Historic Data
  FY 2009 Historic Data
  FY 2008 Historic Data
  Limited Resource
  Beginning Farmer
  SDA Farmer
Other Resources
  NASS Prices Paid Data
  National Poverty Level Data
  County Household Median Income
  ERS Analysis
Other Resources
  USDA Offices

For questions concerning the definition of Limited Resource Farming and/or supporting economic data, contact: David Buland, Economist, 817-509-3577

This site is provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service.


Limited Resource Farmer and Rancher - (LRF/R)

Online Tool:

This online tool provides and easy method to determine if you qualify for Limited Resource Status. After running the tool, print your results and take the report to your local field office.

IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO QUALIFY AS A LIMITED RESOURCE PRODUCER, You may be required to provide sufficient documentation to verify your claim.

Click Here For more information on the purpose of this online tool!

There are two methods of running the tool.


Running the Tool:

To Determine your Limited Resource Status follow the steps below:

  • Step 1: Select your State, then click the next button;
  • Step 2: Select your County, then click the next button;
  • Step 3: Click Either "Yes" or "No" on the Gross Farm Sales and the Adjusted Gross Income Input Boxes, then click the next button;
  • Step 4: Print your Results.

Printing Directions:

For the best results, set your page orientation to "portrait" before printing the output form. In your Browser Window, Click on the Print "Setup or Preferences" button, then Select Portrait, then Click "OK".

This print out was developed and tested using IE 6.0, Netscape 7.2, and Mozilla 1.4. If you are having problems with the print out, then please upgrade your browser.

Updated 11/01/2010

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