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American Cinema Evenings

13th American Cinema Evening

June 15, 2012
June 15, 2012 –Professor Jia Lim and Professor Michael Unger present the documentary film Far From Forgotten and talk about the meaning of Korean War and its implication to the relationship between Korea and the U.S. at the 13th American Cinema Evening

June 15, 2012 –Professor Jia Lim and Professor Michael Unger present the documentary film Far From Forgotten and talk about the meaning of Korean War and its implication to the relationship between Korea and the U.S. at the 13th American Cinema Evening

Date: June 15, 2012

Moderator:  Professor Jia Lim, Hongik University, Producer and Director of Film “Far From Forgotten”, Professor Michael Unger, Sogang University, Co-Director and Editor of Film “Far From Forgotten”

Film Title: Far from Forgotten

Film Synopsis: June 25, 2010. During the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, 10 American veterans visited Korea. They are all over eighty years old and are surprised by Korea’s development sixty years on. As they recognize each other’s pain and undergo a catharsis, the trip reveals their Korean War experience which had not surfaced for a long time. This will be their last trip to Korea in their lifetime.

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