Other Publications of Interest

Releated Publications of Interest

Challenges Working Group Information


Type: Challenges Notes

Published: 01-02-2013

Publisher: PKSOI

2013 Stability Operations Training and Education and Integration and Exercise Workshop


Type: Conference

Published: January 2013

Publisher: PKSOI

Announcing NDU event, "The Soldier and the Changing State"

Author: Zoltan Barany

Type: Event

Published: 11-09-2012

Publisher: NDU

United Nations Infantry Battalion Manual Volume 2

Author: UN Department of Peacekeeping

Type: Related Pubs

Published: 9-12-2012

Publisher: UN Department of Peacekeeping

United Nations Infantry Battalion Manual Volume 1

Author: UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations

Type: Related Pubs

Published: 9-12-2012

Publisher: UN Department of Peacekeeping Operations

Hong Kong in Honduras

Author: The Economist

Type: Link

Published: 7-19-2012

Publisher: The Economist

Afghanistan Maps

Author: CIv-Mil Fusion Centre

Type: Map Library

Published: 7-18-2012

Publisher: Civ-Mil Fusion Centre