Marines Magazine

The Official Magazine of the United States Marine Corps

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Captain America

Captain America, Steven Rogers


  • Height: 74″
  • Weight: 220 lbs.
  • One Mile Run: 73 sec.
  • Martial Arts: Judo, western boxing
    and kickboxing
  • Weapon Of Choice: Twelve-pound, nearly-indestructible shield made of vibranium-adamantium alloy.
  • Nemisis: Red Skull
  • Sports: Gymnastics, boomerang-shield-throwing, motorcycle racing

Captain (Sel) 1st Lt. Steven P. Rogers


  • Height: 68″
  • Weight: 153 lbs.
  • Three Miles Run: 16:55 mins.
  • Martial Arts: Marine Corps Martial Arts
  • Weapon Of Choice: KNIFEHANDS and his staff noncommissioned officer in charge, Gunnery Sgt. Jeffery Davidson
  • Nemisis: Anyone who attempts to take away the freedom that family and friends have bled for.
  • Sports: Cherry Point running team, 50 mile race and 24 hour runs
  • Sillykid666

    The marine on the left seems more realistic than a MOVIE character

  • Maurice Vangeenhoven

    Hello from France,  I just received as a gift a medal of Marine Corps with , on one side of the medal the symbol of your magazine, and on the other side, three stars in the middle and the name of a Lt Gen.  and also the word “ASSASSIN” !  What that last word would mean on a medal like this ?  I’m sorry, I didn’t have time to ask the retired man (the Lt Gen Mr…)   thanks for answering

  • Lopaka-b

    Marvel’s CPT America was a sickbay commando though.  50+ years sleeping?  Does that count for TIG/TIS?

  • Kevino

    Just under 148 mph.

  • DP1982

    You are an idiot.

  • Debrutsid Semper Fi

    73 seconds for 3 miles? yeah no way. that means he runs like what 160 M/ph?

  • nonoy

    similarity, TIGER look face/ Never mind uhers, just like that..

  • Elizabeth Harney

    Interesting comparrison. but Captain America was Army and only by dint of having by selected for Project Rebirth by a general after his persistence in trying to enlist and being rejected. Super hero or not, the Marine still comes out on top. 

  • Jennifer

    Captain (Sel) 1st Lt. Steven P. Rogers all the way. He’s the real deal.

  • Liebas

    Well they are both cute.. Think I will take the marine

  • Jimmy Smith

    Really? Couldn’t find anyone who has actually fought for freedom to run this piece on?

  • JT

    Captain America is a racist symbol.  Why is a service branch endorsing such a divisive comic book character?  Seems to fly in the face of the recent Progress we’ve achieved in the areas of LGBT acceptance, minority rights, and women’s equality.  I guess there are still some fanatic holdouts in the Corps for apple pie and Jim Crow.