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The following is a list of legislation that Senator Casey has sponsored or cosponsored in Congress:

S. 142 » A bill to prohibit the expenditure of Federal funds for abortions, and for other purposes. - Sponsored 01/24/13
S. 144 » A bill to amend the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to authorize additional funding for the pregnancy assistance fund. - Sponsored 01/24/13
S. 128 » A bill to amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to improve education and prevention related to campus sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. - Sponsored 01/24/13
S. 125 » A bill to direct the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, in coordination with the Army Corps of Engineers, the National Park Service, and the United States Geological Survey, to lead a multiagency effort to slow the spread of Asian carp in the Upper Mississippi and Ohio River basins and tributaries, and for other purposes. - Cosponsored 01/24/13
S. 143 » A bill to prohibit discrimination and retaliation against individuals and health care entities that refuse to recommend, refer for, provide coverage for, pay for, provide, perform, assist, or participate in abortions. - Sponsored 01/24/13
S. 115 » A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a credit for increasing payroll. - Sponsored 01/23/13
S. 84 » Paycheck Fairness Act - Cosponsored 01/23/13
S. 10 » A bill to reauthorize agricultural programs through 2018. - Cosponsored 01/22/13
S. 55 » A bill to prohibit Members of Congress and the President from receiving pay during Government shutdowns. - Cosponsored 01/22/13
S. 5 » A bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act of 1994. - Cosponsored 01/22/13
S. 47 » Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 - Cosponsored 01/22/13
S. 6 » Putting Our Veterans Back to Work Act of 2013 - Cosponsored 01/22/13

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