National Ice Core Laboratory
RIDS cores

Click core name below to jump to the core.

7°44'S 116°20'W
Elevation - 1750 m

Top 0  m
Bottom 150  m
Core Diameter 10  cm
# Tubes in Inventory 126
# Tubes Drilled 153
Method Electromechanical
Tube Length 1  m
Drillers PICO-UNL
Drill Fluid Dry
Years Drilled 1995
Original PI /
Current Contact
Paul Mayewski /
University or Affiliate Univ. of New Hampshire /
University of New Hampshire

77°44"S 116®20'W
Elevation - 1750 m

Top 0  m
Bottom 19  m
Core Diameter 10  cm
# Tubes in Inventory 13
# Tubes Drilled 19
Method Electromechanical
Tube Length 1  m
Drillers PICO-UNL
Drill Fluid Dry
Years Drilled 1995
Original PI /
Current Contact
Paul Mayewski /
University or Affiliate Univ. of New Hampshire /
University of New Hampshire

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