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Selected Category: Response

Salmonella Typhimurium Outbreak Investigation: Do Not Try This at Home

Categories: Foodborne, Response

 female scientist looking through a microscope

The Enteric Diseases programs at CDC have been collaborating with state public health officials, the USDA-Food Safety and Inspection Service, and the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to investigate a multi-state outbreak of human infections due to Salmonella serotype Typhimurium affecting almost 400 persons. There are numerous interesting features of this outbreak that highlight the complex issues I discussed recently for foodborne outbreaks. In this case, there was an early unrelated, but overlapping outbreak, several PulseNet patterns involved in the outbreak, a State Health Department being the first to pull the trigger for a product advisory, and a contaminated ingredient that is in many foods.

CSI Atlanta: Foodborne Outbreak

Categories: Foodborne, Response

a close up of a globe.

During the recent investigation of the outbreak of Salmonella Saintpaul, CDC often mentioned that the overall “outbreak investigation is complex and difficult.” This complexity and difficulty extends to the hundreds of outbreaks that never make national headlines as local public health officials trace outbreaks to specific venues and food items. CDC assists local public health officials to investigate about 100 multi-state clusters or confirmed foodborne outbreaks each year; many of which never lead to a specific implicated food item; approximately 10 that are particularly large, complex or extended become formal Epi-AID investigations. The use of a fingerprinting system for disease agents has greatly enhanced our ability to detect outbreaks but increases the effort to review suspicious clusters. For example, we now get over 60,000 patterns added to the database each year. This week, CDC’s OutbreakNet Team is evaluating 35 different clusters to determine their significance. This includes an investigation of an outbreak of Salmonella Poona with the same fingerprint pattern.

Salmonella Saintpaul Outbreak: Epilogue

Categories: Foodborne, Response

Salmonella Saintpaul epi curve

I’ve spent many years roaming this planet and, without doubt, we have amongst the safest food in the world. However, the largest foodborne outbreak in the last 10 years with an estimated 15, 000 cases is a vivid reminder that a number of factors will continue to drive outbreaks even here in the US. A report on the Salmonella Saintpaul outbreak by the Pew Charitable Trust’s Produce Safety Project identified many gaps in the nation’s food safety system and highlights a response system that I equate with driving while looking through the rearview mirror.

Produce Strikes Back: Salmonella Saintpaul Outbreak

Categories: Foodborne, Response

A laboratorian places a PFE gel under UV light.

McDonald’s stopped serving sliced tomatoes on their burgers. Other businesses in the food industry have also recently joined this precautionary movement — actions that follow a trail of health reports all over the United States in what has become one of the largest multistate outbreaks in history.

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