United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Public Health

Agent Orange Newsletter – Winter 2012

Agent Orange Review: Information for Veterans 

Vol. 26, No.1       Winter 2012 

Download full issue. (482 KB, PDF)


Two soldiers walking along the defoliated Korean demilitarized zone

Defoliated Korean DMZ, 1968
US Army

VA expanded the dates of presumed Agent Orange exposure along the Korean demilitarized zone (DMZ) to April 1, 1968 - August 31, 1971. This simplifies and speeds the benefit application process for Veterans of the Korean DMZ.

Other Features in this Issue

  • Check VA’s “Ships List”
  • VA Studies High Blood Pressure, Chronic Lung Disease Among Vietnam Veterans
  • Agent Orange Registry Health Evaluation
  • New Hotline for Homeless Veterans
  • Service in Camp Lejeune?
  • Understanding Heart Disease and How to Reduce Your Risk
  • “Million Veteran Program” Seeks Volunteers
  • Agent Orange Registry Statistics

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The Agent Orange Review is produced by VA's Post-Deployment Health group.

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