United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Public Health

Vaccines and Pregnancy - Women’s Health Guide


Discuss vaccinations before, during, and after pregnancy with your health care provider. Many vaccines are beneficial to the health of your baby and yourself.

Vaccination BEFORE pregnancy

Before becoming pregnant, you should be up-to-date on routine adult vaccines. This will help protect you and your child. Discuss vaccines with your health care provider. In general:

  • Live vaccines should not be given within a month before getting pregnant or during pregnancy.
  • Inactivated (killed) vaccines may be given at any time before or during pregnancy, if needed.

Vaccination DURING pregnancy

If you are pregnant, your health care provider will help you decide which vaccinations you need based on:

  • Your age
  • Lifestyle
  • High-risk conditions
  • Type and locations of travel
  • Previous vaccinations

To see recommended vaccines for pregnant women, see CDC's Immunization & Pregnancy Flyer (194 KB, PDF) and Immunization & Pregnancy Vaccines Chart (439 KB, PDF).

Vaccination AFTER pregnancy

It is safe for a woman to receive vaccines right after giving birth and when breastfeeding. Vaccines can help protect mothers, including:

  • Tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) – if not received during pregnancy
  • Measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
  • Varicella (chickenpox)
  • Influenza – if not received during pregnancy

While you are pregnant and a short time after the baby is born, your baby has the same immunity and protection from disease that you do. This is temporary. The baby must be vaccinated to develop his/her own immunity.

Your health care provider should have a record of all the vaccines you have been given. You should also keep a record.

Pregnant Women and International Travel

Many diseases, rarely seen in the United States, are common in other parts of the world. A pregnant woman planning international travel should talk to her health care provider about vaccines.

For more on vaccines and pregnancy

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