United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Albany Stratton VA Medical Center – Albany, NY

Albany Stratton Inn

Stratton Inn The Stratton Inn
Your In-House Hospital Hotel

Courtesy accommodations for outpatient veterans and their caregivers
Stratton Inn is a smoke free, hospital-based hotel designed for outpatient veterans in need of hotel accommodations. Stratton Inn is located on 9D in the Albany Stratton VA Medical Center.

Albany Stratton Inn Stratton Inn is open to veterans requiring overnight accommodations prior to and/or immediately following:
  • an outpatient procedure

  • same day surgery

  • Radiation Therapy

  • discharge while waiting for community housing
A guest family member, who is a primary caregiver, may also be accommodated.

Room accommodations include a phone, television, and alarm clocks. Bath and shower accommodations are available to all guests, with some rooms available with private showers. Patients and their caregivers may eat in the main cafeteria. Stratton Inn staff also have a list of local restaurants that will deliver. In addition, hospital recreation programs are also available to all Stratton Inn guests.

Your health care team/provider will need to send a consult to make your reservation at the Stratton Inn. We suggest you call (518) 626-6897 in advance to ensure your consult is in place.

Normal hours of operation for the Stratton Inn are Monday-Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 24 hour check-in is available at the front desk on 9D. A house phone is available for all check-ins after normal business hours or for additional service. Let the operator know you are a guest and you need to speak with the nursing supervisor, who covers all off tours and holidays.

The Stratton Inn is a free service provided through the kind generosity of guest and organizational donations. These donations have been essential to the upgrades to rooms, including new furnishings and other amenities that make your stay comfortable.

The Stratton Inn provides accommodations that mirror the Gold Standard of care and service we provide at the Stratton VA Medical Center. We are proud to serve you.

Jim Soulier, Stratton Inn Manager