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Family Publications

Family Records

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Black Family Research: Records of Post-Civil War Federal Agencies at the National Archives
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Black Family Research: Records of Post-Civil War Federal Agencies at the National Archives
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Fill in the gaps in your family's history. Learn how to access information on marriages, births, deaths, occupations, places of residence, and other family-related matters in the post-Civil War era.
Available: as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
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Keeping Family and Household Records
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Keeping Family and Household Records
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Even though each household must work out its own records management system, these general guidelines can help get you started.
Available: online
Language: English
Cost: Free
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Where to Write for Vital Records
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Where to Write for Vital Records
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Listing of state offices to contact for birth, death, marriage, and divorce certificates, with guidelines to follow when submitting a request.
Available: online, as pdf
Language: English
Cost: Free
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