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USACE Deployment Center

Welcome to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Deployment Center, located in Winchester, Virginia, at the home of the Middle East District.

Here at the USACE Deployment Center, we will serve as your transition point, assisting you with deploying to Iraq or Afghanistan. You’ll find all the necessary requirements for your deployment on this web site. It is critical that you follow the instructions precisely and complete all paperwork in a timely manner to ensure a smooth transition for you, the gaining organization, and your current employer.

Please select the deployment category on the right that applies to you and carefully review the information. This link provides a summary of the instructions for a wide range of requirements, including security clearances, traveling to and from the Deployment Center and to your overseas destination, passports, medical information, and completion of administrative forms that are a prerequisite for deployment. While this link provides a synopsis of the requirements, check out all other links to discover additional necessary information about your deployment. A list of contacts is provided here with telephone numbers for many of the offices and people who will help you. Once you arrive at USACE Deployment Center, you will have a specified training schedule, and you will be issued required equipment and clothing for the area you are deploying to.

If any of your deployment-related questions are not answered by the information provided in this website, please call the Administrative Personnel Processing Office (APPO) for Iraq or Afghanistan, as appropriate, and as listed in the contacts section. The APPO will process your deployment paperwork and is available to provide additional information and guidance.

We hope your deployment will be a rewarding experience. We are grateful for your participation and will provide all support necessary for a successful deployment.

USACE Deployment Center Staff

Contact Us

USACE Deployment Center
(540) 665-1390

More Deployment Center Contacts