ProcNet Acc-Warren Procurement Network
TARDEC TDP Instructions Last Updated: September 4, 2012


Technical Data Packages (TDPs) published at this web site are items currently open for competitive secondary item procurements. An index of these items and solicitations can be found at the ACC - Warren Procurement Network

TDPs will be made available for on line viewing between the issue date and closing date as indicated. TDPs may be downloaded and saved to your system for off line viewing.

What is displayed in your web browser when viewing a TDP is the Technical Data Package List (TDPL). This is a list of technical data required to manufacture, inspect and package the item under procurement. There are links on the TDPL to the image files of this data.

Viewing a Technical Data Package (TDP) On Line

There is a navigation frame at the bottom of the TDPL which provides an easy method to move to the different sections of the TDPL. This may be helpful for large TDPs.

Description of TDPL


This section will list all the parts that comprise the end item for that TDP. This section will also show the parts relationship of the individual items in the TDP. In addition, quantities of the individual parts required to produce one end item will be displayed.

Under this heading on the TDPL you will find links to drawings and documents files. At a minimum you will find raster type files which can be identified by their extension (C4 or PDF). In addition, when available, vector type files will also be provided. Vector type files are files typically used by Computer Aided Drafting and Design applications. There are too many file types and applications to list here. You can typically determine what the file type is based on its file extension. There are many sources on the web (i.e., with information that will help you identify the file type. It will be left up to you as to which format you wish to use.

At this time, the Government will not be providing any applications for viewing these vector type files.

The Government will continue to provide, free of charge, a viewer application suitable for viewing C4 files. ImageView (formerly ImageR) is a suitable viewer program, you are not limited to it's use and can use any compatible viewer program. Please click here to access the ImageView download site.

Note: Problems have been reported using the old ImageR software. Currently, this software only supports 32-bit operating systems. Developers have released a solution that supports 64-bit operating systems including Windows 7.

For information on other options, available to view C4 files, visit our web site at

For viewing PDF files, the Adobe Acrobat Viewer is available on the WWW. For more information, visit our web site at


APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS. This section is a compilation of all specifications and standards that are essential for bidding and manufacturing the item identified in the TDP.

REPLACED SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS. This section lists all the specifications and standards called out on the TDP drawings and documents that have been cancelled. Replacement documents, when known, will also be shown.

Downloading TDPs for Off Line Viewing

You are responsible for managing the files that comprise TDP's you have downloaded.

Each TDP downloaded should have it's own directory. It is recommended that a directory be created on your hard drive for the TDPs you download i.e. "C:\TDPS"  with a sub directory for each TDP downloaded, i.e. "C:\TDPS\TDP1", "C:\TDPS\TDP2". You can use any naming convention.

Both a zip and self extracting files are provided. If you have an extraction program, such as pkunzip you may save a little download time by selecting/clicking on ZIP from the navigation frame.

Navbar.jpg (14542 bytes)

Click on ZIPor Self Extract to download the TDP.

To view a TDP from your hard drive open the file TDPL.HTM with your web browser.

Saving Selected Images/Drawings

You may save a specific image from a TDP by placing the mouse cursor over the link and pressing the right mouse button. From the drop down menu select "Save Target As.." and choose a location and filename of your preference.


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