Laboratory analysis details

How to get started on getting samples analyzed through PMEL


    Shipping info:
  • DOT Exception for shipping of seawater with less than 0.004% by weight:

Small quantity exception:

Note the new label/marking requirments: Google Search

  • Small quantity exception
    Sometimes the above link disappears, you can try this google search, here:
  • Small quantity exception
  • Mercuric Chloride is in Hazard Class 6.1, Packing group II and therefore meets this exception IF packaged as described.
  • Cole Parmer 20-200 µL adjustable volume Pipette Cat. No. 21600-16
    • Tips for the above pipette Cat. No. 25711-12
  • Other options from

Mercuric Chloride
PLEASE NOTE: We highly recommend you purchase in quantities of 30grams or less to take advantage of the small quantity exception listed above.

  • Mercuric Chloride 449202 From Sigma Aldrich
  • Other sources that "may" have it in less than 30g quantities.