
Posts Tagged ‘basics’

Upcoming Event: Webinar on FDA’s MedWatch System: How to Report Adverse Events

October 18, 2011 17 comments

Did you know that you can report problems that you have had with drugs and other medical products to the FDA? Did you know that MedWatch can send safety alerts directly to you, as soon as they appear on the web site?

The FDA will host a webinar “FDA’s MedWatch System: How to Report Adverse Events”. The featured speaker, Brenda Rose Pharm.D., a Health Programs Coordinator in FDA’s Office of Special Health Issues will give an overview and answer questions about how to report adverse events to MedWatch.

The free 30 minute webinar will be held Thursday, October 20th at 11 AM ET.

There are a limited number of spots available for the webinar. Materials from the webinar will also be made available on the FDA website following the presentation.

Learn more about the webinar, including instructions about how to join.


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