Quick Poll

Do you support both sides of the aisle making substantial concessions  in order to reach a long-term debt reduction deal?

Office Contact Information

Washington Office
U.S. House of Representatives
1526 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-2040
Fax: (202) 225-2948

San Diego Office
2700 Adams Avenue Suite 102
San Diego CA 92116
Phone: (619) 280-5353
Fax: (619) 280-5311


Susan joins a beach clean-up sponsored by Surfrider and Coastkeeper - keeping our beaches clean and free from the risks of offshore drilling is important!


At the USS Midway Museum, thousands of girl scouts listened to Susan as she congratulated them for sending thousands of boxes of cookies to troops abroad.


Susan discusses education issues with college students at the University of California, San Diego.


Susan talks about veterans issues with veteran Jim Coatney at Stand Down 2010.


Every year Susan hosts the Aaron Price Fellows in Washington. She was the first director of this leadership program, which teaches a diverse group of young San Diegans about government, culture, and business and the role they play in our lives.


Susan attended closing ceremonies for the Peninsula Little League and University City Little League‚ the players' enthusiasm was contagious!


President Barack Obama signs the DOD/Hate Crimes Bill in the East Room of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 28, 2009.

(Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

Veterans Survey Susan's Survey

Recent News

Congresswoman Susan Davis

February 14, 2013 - Rep. Susan Davis Supports Immigration Equality for LGBT Couples

WASHINGTON - Congresswoman Susan Davis (CA-53) once again signed on as a cosponsor of the Uniting American Families Act (H.R. 519), formerly known as the Permanent Partners Immigration Act.  The UAFA would allow U.S. citizens and lawful permanent residents to sponsor a permanent partner for immigration purposes.  Under current law only married heterosexuals can be sponsors to obtain immigration residence status.

February 12, 2013 - Congresswoman Susan Davis Statement on State of the Union and Having the Parents of Gun Violence Victim Willie Jones in Attendance

WASHINGTON – Congresswoman Susan Davis released the following statement on the President’s State of the Union address.  Davis, along with many of her colleagues, invited the family of gun violence victims to attend the State of the Union. Davis invited Rose and Willie Jones whose son, Willie James Jones, was killed in a drive-by shooting in 1994.  Willie was his high school’s valedictorian and was about to attend Cornell University on a full academic scholarship.

February 11, 2013 - Rep. Susan Davis Invites Parents of San Diego Gun Violence Victim to Attend State of the Union

WASHINGTON – In 1994, Willie James Jones was shot and killed in southeast San Diego soon after he had graduated high school as valedictorian. As the cry for a plan to reduce gun violence has swept the nation, the parents of Willie Jones will attend Tuesday’s State of the Union speech at the invitation of Congresswoman Susan Davis (CA-53).  They will provide a face and a voice to the victims in front of the Congress, the President, his Cabinet and the Supreme Court.

The Issues