• Averting the Fiscal Cliff

    Smith Votes to Protect 99% of Americans from Tax Hikes

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  • FY2013 Budget Proposal

    Click to view "The Path to Prosperity: A Blueprint for American Renewal"

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  • Creating Jobs and the President's Plan

    We know what will help create jobs in this country –lifting the burden of regulations that is strangling small businesses.

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  • American Energy

    Our energy challenges affect both the country’s immediate economic health and our long-term security and competitiveness. During these difficult economic times, higher gasoline prices and utility bill...

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  • Congressman Smith holds Job Creators Roundtable
  • Chairman Smith: Medical Malpractice reform will bring down health care costs
  • KABB: Chairman Smith visits Hallmark College
  • FOX: Chairman Smith comments on recent immigration report
  • Chairman-elect Smith talks immigration with Greta "On the Record"
  • Smith: The DREAM Act is a nightmare for Americans
  • Smith on the Tax and Spend Democrats
  • Smith: Immigration Tide Has Turned Against Obama

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Smith: Amnesty Kills American Jobs

February 12, 2013

Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today issued the below statement in response to President Obama’s continued calls for amnesty. Congressman Smith: “If the President was serious about creating jobs and spurring economic growth, amnesty for illegal immigrants would not be on ...

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