Posts Tagged ‘Opengov’

Coding for Better Government

| "When it comes to the big things we need to do together, are we just going to be a crowd of voices? Or are we also going to be a crowd of hands?”

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“Tool Crypt for Flight Projects” NASA’s Matt Ritsko wins President’s SAVE Award

| I recently had a chance to chat with Matt Ritsko, the recent winner of the President’s SAVE Award. The SAVE Award, which stands for Securing Americans Value and Efficiency, was launched in 2009 by President Obama. The award seeks ideas from federal employees to make government more effective and efficient and ensure taxpayer dollars are spent wisely. Matt is a Financial Manager on the Gravity Extreme Magnetism SMEX (GEMS) Flight Project. NASA has a long heritage of....

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Crowdsourcing Science at NEEMO-15

| Got plans for the next decade? NASA does.  The agency would like to send a crew to visit an asteroid, and we’re not going alone.  In addition to being open to partnerships that will leverage the skills of space agencies and corporations across the planet, NASA is looking at new ways to collectively leverage expertise [...]

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Open Government Status Update

| This short video kicked off President Obama’s speech at last month’s launch of the international Open Government Partnership. Open Government from The Academy on Vimeo. What do you think? How would these ideas change NASA? How would these ideas change the federal government?   The Obama Administration also just released a Status Report on their [...]

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#voteforspace and make space #interactive @sxsw

| We need your help! There are a number of exciting space related panels proposed for next year’s South by Southwest festival in Austin. SXSW is a community-driven event and voting accounts for 30% of the decision-making process for any given programming slot. The selection process is extremely competitive and this year there are 3600 proposed [...]

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Why OpenGov? Why Now?

| There is a new compact on the horizon: information produced by and on behalf of citizens is the lifeblood of the economy and the nation; government has a responsibility to treat that information as a national asset. Citizens are connected like never before and have the skill sets and passion to solve problems affecting them [...]

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Tools for the Citizen Scientist

| One year ago this month the National Aeronautics and Space Administration released its Open Government Plan, in response to the White House directive issued in December 2009, which required federal agencies to take immediate, specific steps to achieve key milestones in transparency, participation, and collaboration.

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The Next Rocket Scientist: YOU

| For over half a century, NASA has inspired people across the world to look to the heavens and wonder what secrets are hidden within the cosmos. Solving those mysteries has long been the domain of lab-coat wearing scientists in government agencies and universities. However, with the advent of the internet, social web, and open source [...]

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