Maternal and Child Health Research Program

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Strategic Research Issue #4

Promoting the healthy development of MCH populations.

(Correlates with MCHB Strategic Plan: FYs 2003-2007, Goal 2: Promote an Environment that Supports Maternal and Child Health.)

IMPORTANT: To assist the reader in better understanding what is meant by MCHB Strategic Research Issue #4, the following are examples of possible areas of study addressing this issue. They are only examples for illustrative purposes and do not constitute preferences for funding consideration. The Bureau strongly encourages research studies that specifically address issues related to MCHB investments and programs.

  • Study the effectiveness of health promotion and prevention strategies for infant, child, adolescent and adult populations (e.g., Bright Futures Guidelines) that use coordinated strategies and a variety of venues involving the clinical setting, the community and the home environment.
  • Conduct longitudinal studies of health and normative development in special populations of children such as minority children; children with special health needs; and children of low socioeconomic status (SES), rural, migrant and homeless backgrounds.
  • Study the effectiveness of health promotion and prevention strategies to promote healthy weight and prevent obesity in children and adolescence.
  • Study child, parental (including fathers) and family strengths, i.e., coping and resilience associated with pregnancy, childbearing and parenting; significant injuries; chronic and catastrophic disease conditions; and natural and man-made catastrophic events.
  • Study the effects of family/professional partnerships and integrated community systems on the health (including mental and oral health) and development of children.
  • Study the factors associated with health care utilization that positively influence health care utilization and preventive health behaviors of women at various stages of and throughout their life span.
  • Study the effectiveness of community outreach workers in increasing breastfeeding duration rates in underserved populations.
  • Develop and validate instruments that assess health and development of the MCH population.
  • Assess emerging research in the prevention of dental caries in pregnant women and its effects on their children through the use of oral rinse and varnish, chlorhexidine, xylitol, and/or iodine.

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