• U.S. Department of Energy
  • Fermilab



International Services Assistant:
Barbara Book x3111

International Services Assistant:
Kappatolia Sherman x3811

Visa Office hours
Hours Wilson Hall
Monday through Friday
7 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Fermilab Experiments and Institutions

Computing privileges and on-site access to Fermilab must be authorized by the appropriate Experiment Spokespersons or Institution Representatives.  The Users’ Office and Directorate try to maintain up-to-date lists. 

If you now are an Experiment Spokesperson or Institution Representative, and you are leaving this role, please let the Users’ Office know, so that we can process applications for access more efficiently. 

If you know you will be leaving this role and yet are approving requests by Users’ for access (on-site or computing), please also let them know that they must follow-through with their application for access within 1 month of your departure from the role. 

If an application for computing or on-site access is more than 1 month old, and authorized by a person who is no longer an Experiment Spokesperson or Institution Representative, the Users’ Office must confirm the authorization with the current Spokesperson or Representative.

Similarly, if you are just assuming one of these roles for an Experiment, please advise the Users’ Office so that we know we can accept your Authorizations for access.

Questions? Comments? Contact the Users’ Office!