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Weapons Training Battalion

MCIEAST-MCB Camp Lejeune

Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Unit Family readiness
Family Readiness Is For Everybody!

Welcome to Weapons Training Battalion Family Readiness Program.  Headquarters, United States Marine Corps recently mandated all Battalion/Squadron commands and above to staff a Family Readiness Officer (FRO).  

The Battalion Family Readiness Program provides Marines, Sailors, Soldiers and their family members with valuable information about events and programs that help make military lifestyle transitions easier.  We are the lifeline between the military and the families!

The Family Readiness Officer, together with the volunteer network, serves as the official communication link with families while at home, on a training exercise, or deployed.  
Welcome to Weapons Training Battalion Family Readiness Program.  Headquarters, United States Marine Corps recently mandated all Battalion/Squadron commands and above to staff a Family Readiness Officer (FRO).   The Battalion Family Readiness Program provides Marines, Sailors, Soldiers and their family members with valuable information about events and programs that help make military lifestyle transitions easier.  We are the lifeline between the military and the families!The Family Readiness Officer, together with the volunteer network, serves as the official communication link with families while at home, on a training exercise, or deployed.   

The Battalion recognizes the sacrifices required of Marine, Navy, and Army families.  In an effort to support and enhance the family life associated with service to our country and to the Marine Corps, Family Readiness Program is a priority.  Fortunately, our Family Readiness Program has the support of a caring, efficient, and effective Family Readiness Officer, advisors, assistants and a support volunteer network.

The Battalion is always looking for a Family Readiness Command Team advisor and for Family Readiness assistants.  If you are interested in joining our family volunteer network, please contact the Family Readiness Officer via e-mail or by phone at (910) 440-2884 or (910) 265-9141.

We will keep the faith with our Marines, our Sailors and our families…
We will ensure that Marines, Sailors and their families will have availability and access to quality facilities and support programs, as well as resources and benefits that provide a quality standard of living. 

This same effort will be applied to our single Marines.”

General James F. Amos
35th Commandant of the Marine Corps

Get Involved!

Want to know how to get involved or have a question to ask?  Call the Family Readiness Officer (FRO) at (910) 440-2884 – office, or (910) 265-9141 - cell, or e-mail

We are here to help!  If you want to learn more about events in the Battalion, get on our e-mail/newsletter distribution list!  Email your Family Readiness Officer to subscribe.