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Installations and Logistics

Excellence in Logistics

Logistics Distribution Policy Branch (LPD) Focus Areas


The purpose of the MAGTF Distribution Policy (MDDP) is to provide policy for the organization, management, and integration of the transportation and inventory related activities associated with the MAGTF distribution process. Distribution is the operational process of synchronizing all elements of the logistic system to deliver “the right things to the right place at the right time” to support Combatant Commanders (CCDR). The MDDP is designed to standardize a distribution process that will provide for enhanced management of distribution capacity, control and visibility of personnel, supplies and equipment across the battlespace and in garrison. The MDDP must integrate with and support joint distribution processes and organizations. The ultimate goal is to provide the most effective and efficient throughput of supplies, equipment and personnel, feasibility estimates and modes/sources of distribution, requisitioning of supplies and equipment, and potential modes/sources of transportation to support strategic, operational and tactical mobility/movement.


The DoD Families First Personal Property Program intends to streamline the personal property business process and adapt best business practices. The result will benefit the DoD, its service members and the moving industry. The following is a list of key features of the reengineered program:

  • Fielding of the Defense Personal Property System (DPS) which is the new automated system for processing personal property shipments. DPS will replace the current legacy system, Transportation Operational Personal Property Standard System (TOPS), which is failing rapidly.
  • Full-replacement value protection for lost or damaged personal property at no additional cost to the member.
  • Best value distribution of DoD personal property business.
  • Direct claims settlement between DoD personnel and the transportation provider.
  • E-commerce billing and payment using PowerTrack.
  • Direct communication between the customer and the transportation provider.
  • Customer satisfaction surveys.
  • Government will no longer absorb claims losses, which have exceeded $100 million annually.

 The program is being implemented in phases. Phase I, electronic billing and payment of personal property invoices, has been implemented. Phase II, the final development, testing and fielding of DPS is currently underway. The software is being tested this summer and initial fielding for live shipments is planned for late fall/winter of 2007. Camp Lejeune and MCAS Beaufort are the Marine Corps test sites for DPS. Collectively, the service and industry are concerned with the direction, costs and delays in getting the program fully implemented. LPD is fully engaged with SDDC to ensure this program is implemented without causing negative impacts on Marines and their families.


Automatic Identification Technology (AIT) is suite of technologies that includes bar codes, radio frequency identification (RFID – both active and passive), optical memory cards (OMC), satellite tracking, and smart cards. These enable the automatic capture of source data, thereby enhancing the ability to identify, track, document, and control deploying and redeploying forces, equipment, personnel, sustainment cargo and supplies. There are five DoD/SECNAV policy documents directing six AIT requirements:

  • Linear and 2D Bar Codes on the Issue/Release Receipt Document (DD Form 1348-1A)
  • Linear and 2D Bar Codes on the Military Shipping Label (DD Form 1387)
  • Active RFID tags on PEIs, 463L Pallets, and Containers
  • 2D Data Matrix Bar Codes on Tangible Assets (Item Unique Identification)
  • Linear Bar Codes on Personel Property


During the past two years, LPD has worked closely with LOGCOM regarding the transfer of executable tasks from HQMC to their Distribution Management Center. Since the executable tasks are operational in nature, they coincide with LOGCOM’s operational responsibilities. In May 05, the first transfer took place when LOGCOM became the primary point of contact within the Marine Corps for all container leasing/purchasing requirements. LPD continues to work with LOGCOM regarding the transfer of the remaining tasks, which include but are not limited to: (1) shipment tracking/tracking; (2) day-to-day liaison with the Deployment Distribution Operations Center/Joint Deployment Distribution Operations Centers/MEFs to ensure shipment priorities are being met and cargo is flowing smoothly; (4) primary POC for transportation cost studies; (5) primary POC for shipment documentation/customs clearance assistance.

Transfer of PowerTrack operations to LOGCOM

PowerTrack is the OSD-mandated, commercial freight and personal property shipment transportation payment system for DoD. Since implementation, the day-to-day system execution management of PowerTrack has fallen to HQMC, LPD. MCLC, TVCD is responsible for certifying vouchers for freight and personal property shipment transportation bills to ensure accurate and timely payments. TVCD lost mission when PowerTrack was implemented for the Marine Corps due to the system assuming the commercial bill payment processing responsibility. Day-to-day PowerTrack system execution support for the Marine Corps has waned since the responsibility has fallen to HQMC. Simply put, this requirement is outside the mission scope of the Logistics Distribution Policy Branch (LPD). Additionally, LPD has been insufficiently staffed (personnel and skill set) to manage the execution of a bill payment system. The result has been lack of support to Traffic Management Offices (TMOs) in the field, insufficient level of coordination with DFAS, and unnecessary interest penalty accruals to the Marine Corps. The PowerTrack system execution management requirement more closely matches the mission and purpose of the Transportation Voucher Certification Division (TVCD). TVCD is staffed more appropriately to manage a bill payment system and associated subject matter. The office is also well positioned to assume and improve the manner in which the PowerTrack system is managed for the Marine Corps, thereby ensuring a more effective, efficient and timely shipment transportation payment capability.

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