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Disclaimer: The pages within the "Related Links" group of the ICCVAM website contain links to pages outside the ICCVAM website. These links are for the convenience of visitors to our site, who may find them useful. ICCVAM is not responsible for the availability or content of these external sites, nor do we endorse, warrant or guarantee the products, services or information described or offered at these other sites.

Alternative Methods Centers

EURL ECVAM (European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing)
EURL ECVAM (formerly ECVAM) is the European Union's principal organisation for the scientific validation of alternative methods to animal testing. EURL ECVAM is actively involved in the search for test methods which replace, reduce or refine (the 'Three Rs') the use of laboratory animals in the test process. EURL ECVAM supports the post-validation regulatory acceptance process both at European Union level and also with international organisations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and ICH (International Conference on Harmonisation).

Please note: The sectors on Method Validation and Submission of New Test Methods to ECVAM are still maintained and will be accessible from the ECVAM website until further notice.

JaCVAM (Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods)
JaCVAM is part of the National Institute of Health Sciences within the Japanese Government. JaCVAM’s policy and mission is to promote the 3Rs in animal experiments for the evaluation of chemical substance safety in Japan and establish guidelines for new alternative experimental methods through international collaboration.

FRAME: Fund for the Replacement of Animals in Medical Experiments
FRAME is a United Kingdom charity founded in 1969 to promote the "Three Rs" (Reduce, Refine, Replace) as a way forward on the issue of animal experimentation. FRAME seeks to promote a moderate, but nonetheless determined, approach to the reduction of laboratory animal use by encouraging a realistic consideration of the ethical and scientific issues involved and the widest possible adoption of the Three Rs.

ZEBET: Centre for Documentation and Evaluation of Alternative Methods to Animal Experiments
ZEBET was established in 1989 within Germany's Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. The goal of ZEBET is to bring about the replacement of legally prescribed animal experiments with alternative test methods, to reduce the number of test animals to the absolutely necessary level and to alleviate the pain and suffering of animals used in experiments.

Additional Links

The links below lead to pages containing lists of additional websites that may be of interest to visitors to the ICCVAM website.

Alternative Methods Sites Brochures, Pamphlets, and Fact Sheets
Good Laboratory Practices Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
Miscellaneous Sites

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