Posts Tagged events

SEC Intern Advisory Council hosts first event

SEC’s Intern Advisory Council held their first event the afternoon of 8 September, a speaking engagement with SEC Director Mr. Ned Keeler.

The event began with an introduction of the IAC and its members before an audience of about 40 SEC interns. Mr. Keeler presented an overview of his career, including time served as an officer in the U.S. Coast Guard, as well as his time as a civilian working for NASA and the Federal Aviation Administration. The talk highlighted how interns can use their experience, leadership skills, and drive to excel in their careers at SEC. The event concluded with a question and answer session with the audience at which time an audience member inquired whether Mr. Keeler had any final piece of advice for the interns. His answer: “Live each day to its fullest”.

This lunch-and-learn-style event is the first of many intern-focused events to be held by the Intern Advisory Council. The IAC was formed as a means to open and extend the lines of communication amongst the SEC interns and management. In addition to acting as liaisons, the IAC, whose council members were elected by their peers, will organize events aimed at educating and socializing SEC interns. The Council will support other speaking engagements featuring both SEC and CECOM leadership, as well as knowledge sharing and career building events. Additionally, the IAC will initiate after-hours events for interns in an effort to promote relationship building and networking amongst their peers.

The next Intern Advisory Council event will be held in mid-October.


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JUICE hosts VIPs today

Having already hosted several media outlets, public officials, and educational institutions, JUICE will conclude today with a visit by our Army senior leaders. The Joint User Interoperability Communications Exercise (JUICE) 2011 will take visitors on an evolutionary three-year journey that begins with the concept for developing a much-needed capability linking architectures and joint operating concepts in the operational world. This concept matured into prototyping and testing in a distributed laboratory environment – the Joint On-demand Interoperability Network (JOIN). JOIN provides the Information Grid for JUICE, having the capability to connect operational sites worldwide via both terrestrial and satellite links.

JOIN , a round-the-clock secure, survivable, interoperable presence, is dynamically configurable to be a specific operational, training, experimental, or assessment/validation information network for support to the Warfighter, as well as combat and materiel developers. JOIN is available free of charge to DoD organizations and, traditionally, has served many critical missions, such as pre-deployment staging of equipment, training, and distributed testing, amongst many others. This provides an advanced degree of realism which greatly increases Warfighter preparedness prior to actual deployment.

The next year of the journey leaves behind the conceptual realm of JOIN and moves into the complicated operational world of deployment, employment, redeployment and sustainment, and this is where the operational realm of JUICE takes over. Visitors will be directed to the Joint Task Force (JTF) Forward Operating Base (FOB) that is JUICE. Here, staff will demonstrate how JUICE has gone from paper concept to live deployment because of the immensity of the effort and the requisite expertise involved. Next, visitors will be directed to the Joint NETOPS Coordination Center (JNCC), which is tasked with the responsibility of provisioning network services on time at JUICE’s worldwide locations. The JNCC is the heartbeat of JUICE and vital to the success of the mission.

The journey will conclude with a visit to the sustainment systems, followed by a question and answer session.

- John Caruso, JUICE


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JUICE kicks off at SEC Headquarters

The 18th Annual Joint Users Interoperability Communications Exercise (JUICE) is taking place over the next few weeks, and is headquartered right here at SEC Headquarters in Aberdeen Proving Ground. This will be the first time we’ve hosted the event here at APG, and hope that this exercise will define a new construct for supporting the Warfighter at the tactical edge of the Battlespace. The primary focus of JUICE, a global event with over 20 sites world-wide and more than 300 participants, is to demonstrate the interoperability of the various communications capabilities and technologies across the Battlespace.

But JUICE is so much more than that. It’s an opportunity to aid our Warfighter in a unique and truly authentic way. The JUICE exercise does not simulate or emulate communications interoperability – participants use actual tactical networks. This means that JUICE enables the Warfighter to participate in actual training and testing, which better prepares the solider for real-life situations in the Battlespace.

In addition to the exercise, JUICE will also host several special events throughout its run. Various media outlets and local, state, and federal officials will attend JUICE’s Industry Day June 21. The following day, partnering educational institutions, as well as representatives from the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) program will tour the exercise. The event will conclude on June 23 with a visit by our Army senior leaders. JUICE is sponsored by SEC and PEO C3T.

Be sure to check back with us as we continue to update you on the JUICE event throughout the next few weeks.

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